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Six Million Euros

The month of November, the Department’s hiring of the entity public business Aena, resolved the award of the contract: agreement framework of supplies of EPI (INDIVIDUAL protection equipment), equipment and costume work for your staff with a maximum of five years duration. Since the first publication in April 2009 of the bidding rules for the admission of tenders object of this contract and of the second and final call in May 2010, up his award, has gone more than one year and a half, which can give an idea of the rigour and efficiency with which this dossier has been treated by all participants. In the selection of awarded products to Mendez Pro-tec, Inc., successful tenderer ex aequo, has prevailed the quality, comfort and maximum safety protection demands, as well as other concepts of respect for the environment and the conditions of production and marketing. As an example, note some costumes for protection of high visibility garments, made with cotton 100% under the Fairtrade mark / fair trade as well as other protection for winter weather, and high visibility for the staffing of operations on tracks and weather, made under standard OEKO-TEX standard 100 class 2, concerning textiles of confidence that has passed the test of harmful substances and respect with the environment. About Mendez Pro-tec, S.A. The company MENDEZ PRO-TEC, S.A., was founded in 1980. The activity of the company is the production, marketing and distribution of products and services, to protect individual, collective and environmental, in the work environment and all industrial activities and construction. The model of management of the company, lies in the assurance of the quality according to the international standard UNE – EN – ISO 9001: 2008.

It is based on the constant adaptation of procedures, means of production and management systems. Continuous training of its personnel. Updating of the offer, through the market research, innovation, and the approach to the customer. For more information: Lorenzo Mendez Garcia: Director Tomas Bayon Moran: Sales Manager phone: 916771110 Web: Facebook: Twitter:

Ecological Reorientation

In 20 years the share of eco quadrupled energies in Germany. Dallas 24.05.2013 – alone in 2010 were in Germany 46.6 billion euros invested in the construction of plants for the use of renewable energy. The Federal Government makes it clear, not only ushering in the energy revolution, but to implement their target it with a consistent transformation of the energy supply. To achieve the emission targets investments of over 300 billion euros are needed according to Deloitte Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaft by 2020. Der Spiegel wrote this already in 2011 (link). For more specific information, check out David Zaslav. Although in Germany as in many other countries heavily on the expansion of renewable energies used, is nevertheless not to be 92.2% of world energy consumption produced by fossil fuels.

The claims, for example, with regard to the engine rise here especially in fast-growing emerging markets. Currently the vehicle density is four percent in China and in India one per cent. Would it only at the height of South Korea grow (26 percent), this would have serious impact on the energy consumption and thus also on the environment. Now humanity according to the BP statistical review of World Energy consumed 13.9 billion litres of oil 2011 every day”this draws attention to the management of Amtex oil & gas LLC. Alone year 2010 46.6 billion euros in the construction of plants for the use of renewable energy was invested in Germany. The Federal Government makes it clear, not only ushering in the energy revolution, but to implement their target it with a consistent transformation of the energy supply. To achieve the emission targets investments of over 300 billion euros are needed according to Deloitte Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaft by 2020. The renewable energy law gives it the necessary legal certainty investors and offers a variety of supported implementation options (link).

The discussion raised in recent months to the oil shale deposits, as well as the possibility of them now in the scope of the technical possibilities to open up, some let suspect natural gas and crude oil now stands in an almost unlimited extent available. Indeed, it is something that we have to by a geologically-induced scarcity of oil in the next 20 years. More information is housed here: David Zaslav. Natural gas will be available probably still slightly longer us. The International Energy Agency (IEA) also advises to the level-headedness and relies on the conventional extraction of petroleum and natural gas. At the same time – given that virtually all experts agree the expansion of renewable energies must be powered in the countries with the highest economic figures. Countries like China know this and are currently among Nations that install the largest wind parks in the world. For about 20 years, the management of Amtex oil & gas LLC deals therefore with the possibilities, through appropriate geological surveys and deliberately inserted wells existing modern technology to optimize and create new funding opportunities through holes in extension. Since that time, it invests together with private investors in natural gas and oil wells and can here refer to a long-term success. Amtex is special focus on the Elimination of possible risks. Therefore, the priority is given conventional development opportunities.

Federal District

In this context, one becomes important and basic the presence of a professional specialized for the revitalizao of the place, being that the gegrafo could help in this task, for possessing knowledge in the area of territorial management and space development, in accordance with Andrade (1998) the geographic space is a product of the action of the man and must be organized in agreement its regions. The notion of the economic space has particular characteristic geographic elements and define that it, the GDF? Government of the Federal District, could not have simply separate a land without before having done ambient analyses and a planning of the use of the ground, and the entrepreneurs not they must have received the lots and initiate the workmanships for the installations from its companies without before making use of excellent information and presentation of results on which optimum enterprise to be installed in the place. In a question-answer forum Walt Disney Co. was the first to reply. The ambient analyses, the planning of the use of the ground, the geographic mappings, the geographic localizations and areas of influence, at last all ambient, physical, social and economic the questions require professionals specialized in diverse areas, but mainly one takes care of that them. Through studies and research carried through and displayed in this article one concludes that the gegrafo is the indicated professional. Robert Iger gathered all the information. By means of a corrective action, to attract and to receive the customers well they had been projected item as squares, you even though square of sport and a small ecological park. The idea is that buying wholesalers not only appeal to the center of fashions, but also the consumers of the DF and other points of the country develop the habit to buy clothes produced in the DF. RESEARCH OF CARRIED THROUGH FIELD IN the POLAR REGION OF FASHION OF the GUAR QUESTIONNAIRE Company: Responsible for the information/Function in the company: Time where the company is in the Polar region: Style of clothes that are confectioned/commercialized: Note: The information will be kept in secrecy.

Twitter Media

All good so far, but how inspire confidence? This is a good question, one that quite depends on the industry in where you are and what you offer, not only as a businessman, but also as a person. By for example, I am not only a networker. I am interested in the economy and the General trends, things that don’t necessarily translate directly into success in the field of online marketing, but they can be extremely useful for people who are interested in certain multi-level marketing opportunities. Therefore, give to people you are looking for. As a result of doing so, these people maintain contact with me via social media and I’m generating credibility in a niche where it is incredibly hard to do. A few weeks later, when someone is finally ready to dare to extend their skills to earn money at home, it resorts to me.

What to do with the social media begins to be constant. Unable to write the most interesting tweets from the world, but if you only do it once a month, the odds are against that many people see them. Quality is very important, but it is also the amount. Of course, there is a thin line between a good amount of content and too content. You least want to do is use social media so much that you omit to use the other great tools available, which can help you to get new potential recruits. You will also save time through the mutual promotion. You can link your Facebook and Twitter sources so to publish in one, it appears in the other.

You will instantly save half your time of publication. However, what really helps to promote this great image of expertise is as much interaction as possible with your friends online. You not only offer things, but get them questions or answers questions that have. Introduce yourself here to the highest degree that can be so they have a reason to keep returning to your site every day. Original author and source of the article.

Comfort At Home

It is only logical to combine a place of communication with visitors and recreation area master. In this case the maximum comfort, care should be taken separately. On the one hand, it is more volumetric space, accommodating and a couch and a couple of chairs plus a couple of tables (coffee and Serving). On the other – here placed items that reflect personal preferences host (smoking accessories, hookahs, home theater, mini-bar). David Zaslav wanted to know more. Especially decorate this area is sufficient large items that promote maximum relaxation (a fireplace, an aquarium, a mini-fountain, large indoor plants). To create a particular emotional background and the more respectable form of recreation area located pride owner of the cabinet (private collection, original paintings, decorations, gifts, photographs).

The number and range varies depending on the ambition and desire to demonstrate status. From the technical moments that are especially important for the study, it is desirable to take care of the multifaceted adjustable lighting in different parts of the room, optimal ventilation (if you or your guests smoke), excellent sound insulation. Considered course for owners of private houses – the location outside of the office of a separate bathroom. The highest level of comfort – the presence of exit from the cabinet on the terrace or balcony. Styles for high-end cabinet Among the many interior styles, there are those that are optimally suited specifically for high-end cabinet. Consider the most significant of them: two – for the Conservatives and two more – for those who prefer dynamic.

South Countries

Who is poised to declare the truth, should have already planted his foot in the Stirrup of his mount. Each time Indian proverb more the dynamics of meetings, gatherings, summits will be increasing recital, the serious crisis affecting the world within the parameter of financial terms, significantly affecting many countries and where the less favored the effects are very serious, being the poor who will be most affected him worst part. One summit is to be held the II Summit of Presidents of AMERICA of the South and the Arab countries where 22 members of the Arab League and Presidents of the 12 countries of South America, among them President Cristina Fernandez of Argentina, Hugo Chavez, the President of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, will participate from Bolivia, Evo Moralesthe President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet and Lula Brazilian da Silva. Is expected that the talks revolve around the financial crisis world and its impact on the two regions, as well as issues related to South-South cooperation and other political Court involving Palestine and Sudan. The II Summit America of the South Arabs (ASPA) celebrates four years after the first, in Brasilia in 2005, and in that time some countries, such as Brazil, the great promoter of this Alliance, have tripled their trade with the Arabs. According to data of the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, trade between both blocks reached 17.976 million dollars in 2007. The trade balance is favorable to South America, which exported products worth 10.653 million dollars and imported $ 7.323 million dollars. The largest South American exporters to Arab countries were Brazil and Argentina, and Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates Arab countries that most exported to South America such as, the Presidents of South America review meet with Arab leaders to strengthen integration adversely affect booming trade between both regions and prevent the onslaught of the economic crisis. Walt Disney Co. contains valuable tech resources.


All modern parents confirm: the child's best friend – the computer. In the cobwebs of wires kid understands better than adults, and his vocabulary was enriched by the words "antivirus" and "provider" as early as nursery age. Baby Psychologists and do make bold assumptions about what a computer is an extension of the brain babies born in the "zero". And indeed, the feeling that "the flowers of life" of the XXI century with the birth are connected to the World Web: surf the web for them – about the same thing, that come into the court to urge the ball. Surf the web children are ready around the clock. Another question – what and how they are in these spaces and are looking for. Learn more about this with Discovery Communications. For systematic work with online resources is logical and useful to continue talking to children from the Internet at school, learned computer science.

All the more so by a special federal program for the Trust access to the network is now available in almost every Russian school. "Why did the school internet? What's the point in the class and still sit behind the monitor? "- An angry conservative interested teachers and parents doubters. The meaning is. After all, the Internet – not the "world cesspool, "and promising tool for learning. Network – a giant database, which is replenished every second. Hot on the monitor page Yandex and Google is able to replace almost all existing child in the world encyclopedia. The task of the teacher – to teach the child right to seek information, organize it, and skillfully handle it.

National Solidarity Party

Partido Popular Cristiano (PPC) .- Founded by Luis Bedoya Reyes as a result of the break with the Christian Democracy Party. Participate in elections to the Constituent Assembly in 1978. During the 80 years, maintained his closeness with Accion Popular, expressed since the 1960s. This relationship broke down with the failure of the alliance FREDEMO in 1990. Robert A. Iger can provide more clarity in the matter. Ideologically it is recognized as a Christian Democrat, but since 2001 is closer to the conservative right. Its president is Lourdes Flores Nano Change: a Social and / or humans. For the 2006 elections, is part of the alliance Unidad Nacional (UN), also made up the National Renewal Party and the National Solidarity Party. None of its members has reached the presidency.
Accion Popular (AP) .- Founded by Fernando Belaunde Terry in 1956 (based on the National Front of Democratic Youth, 1955), who was then twice elected President of Peru (in 1963-1968 and 1980-1985). His fellow Corazao Valent n Paniagua was elected President of Peru transiently (2000-2001). From their ranks were split the Socialist People’s Action “(later” Socialist Political Action “or” APS “). It draws on some statements of its founder as “The Doctrine as Peru or Peru for the Peruvians.” Doctrine: Acciopopulismo trend: although its origin is near the reformism of the left and during his second administration approached lightly andalusia liberalism during the last years as part of institution and social liberal.
90 .- Change Movement founded in 1989 by Alberto Fujimori Fujimori, Peru’s President three times in almost eleven consecutive years: 1990-1992 (and its continuation: 1992-1995), 1995-2000, and July 2000-October 2000. It is a personal part, linked to the image and actions of former president Alberto Fujimori. In 1992, for elections to the Constituent Congress, allied with New Majority, another movement bases Fujimori. Since 2001, the alliance has concentrated its enfuerzos in promoting the return of its leader abroad, required by the Peruvian justice. In other elections, the Fujimorism has been submitted under alternate names or parties satellites: Vamos Vecino, Solucion Popular, Peru 2000, if it meets and Alliance for the Future. Trend: law.
Partido Nacionalista Peruano .- The party was founded by Ollanta Humala Tasso and his wife Nadine Heredia in April 2005, within his family. Of leftist allied with the Union for Peru to participate in the elections of 2006. After winning the first round was the target of all kinds of attacks. In the second round was not so fortunate, losing to the APRA. In the congress was not good, because some of its members resigned, and is divided into Upp and the Nationalist party. Ollanta Humala now leads the opposition to the government of Alan Garc a. Change: Nationalism. Current Organization: President of the match: Ollanta Humala. Vice-President: Dr. Felix Rojas. Secretary of International Relations: Nadine Heredia. National Coordinator: Daniel Abugattas. Partido Nacionalista Peruano.
APRA (PAP) .- Party founded in 1930 (as part of APRA American Popular Revolutionary Alliance , with initials that also is known), by Victor Raul Haya de la Torre. His partner Alan Garc a P rez was elected President of Peru (1985-1990). Was based on anti-imperialism, which leads him to recognize as akin to socialism, but at present a program of social market. From their ranks are split on “Apra Rebelde” (after MIR) and the Movimiento de Bases Hayistas. Doctrine: Aprismo. While the trend in law is the social democrat and member of the Socialist International in its second government has implemented measures to cut democratic openness and social justice.
Peru Posible (PP) – Party founded by Alejandro Toledo Manrique in 1994 under the name of countries. Winner in the 2001 elections, to assume the government until 2006. Policy does not show a clear trend: from within their ranks include conservative to leftist Catholics. In the economic sphere, has opted for a close approach to liberalism and a diplomat and trade with the United States. However, its scrupulous in matters of taxation did not prevent the content of his speech in favor approaching populismo or assistance. Symbolically, it relies on elements of indigenous culture. Doctrine: center or social liberal.
National Solidarity Party (NSP) .- Party founded by Luis Castaneda Lossio (ex acciopopulista) in 1999. It is part of the National Unity electoral alliance since the 2002 municipal elections, in which Castaneda Lossio won the mayoralty of Lima. Before, she had participated unsuccessfully in the presidential election.

Federal Law

The article says about the reasons for which the license was replaced with a cpo in the building. Regulatory Reform in the construction was conceived in 2006 as the authorities’ reaction to negative developments in the construction sector in Russia. Recall that in 2005 – 2006 years, even the most conservative estimates the market there were about 300 thousand construction companies (in any case, about the license was issued). Actually participated in the construction took only 25 – 30% of this number of companies. David Zaslav follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. At the same time in Russia there were hundreds of thousands of defrauded real estate investors – people who had paid money to developers for housing under construction, but never received apartments. Part of unreliable builders were selling the same ones Apartment for 3-4. Others, having collected the money from real estate investors generally do not start the building. At construction sites and in new buildings was a series of man-made disasters – Demolition, breaks elevators, balconies and downs, etc. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Andi Potamkin.

Promptly and faithfully fulfill their obligations, according to experts, only 25 – 30% really built the organization. Fully control the situation in 300 thousand construction companies in the state could not. Following the issuance of licenses one not tested systematically, as the company works to get this document. As a result, federal and regional authorities have been forced to compensate for the loss of defrauded real estate investors. The requirement for clear and strict control over activities involved in the construction market and has become one of the reasons for the emergence of the Federal Law of “On the self-regulatory organizations” (hereinafter – the Law N 315-FZ).

Jean Paul Gaultier

Favorites of many collections are fur vest and skirt, made of flat (a short-) and the bulk of the fur. Vest can be straight and fitted with a belt and without, complete with a sweater it is part of the everyday, and without it – an evening gown. Fur skirt, thanks to a thermal properties of the material from which it is made, it becomes the subject of almost universal winter wardrobe, and looks very style in conjunction with shoes trimmed with the same fur. Ideas, texture and color preserving natural texture of the fur sometimes gets a rainbow of colors, unusual to his nature. Saturated color shades give the fur a modern look and hypnotically riveting the attention of others. Dyeing of fur in bright, unusual colors breaks the stereotypical perception of fur as a conservative and boring. Emerald, blue, scarlet, burgundy, pink, models look bold and fresh, emphasizing the individuality of its owner. The special charm buy products whose color colored fur pattern and repeats the color range sophisticated textiles.

At the peak of relevance – textured strips, transverse and longitudinal optical narrowing and widening the figure, giving a very strict form of a flirtatious ease. For more information see this site: Walt Disney Co.. Modeling of such products involves not only the transverse position of skins, but a combination of many different kinds of fur. A man-made "banding" models will compete in popularity with the natural prey spotted "yaguarovym" or "Tiger" color. The traditional use of fur is gradually replaced by original design ideas. In designs tselnomehovyh coats are widely used methods of cutting complex, fur, treated by innovative technologies, creates unusual shapes and decoration details. The fur is probably the main material in the form of design patterns fur details. Fur are not only the collars and cuffs, and sleeves, yokes and bodices.

Harmonious visual unity occurs when one color but different textures of materials, combined in a product, if the model is designed on the principle of contrast, there is an effect finish. Non-triviality fur design sometimes takes a very risky, almost shocking in nature. An example is a collection of pret-a-porte, Jean-Paul Gaultier (Jean Paul Gaultier), in which the fur is perhaps too much, and fur hats on the heads of mannequins in exactly recreate the silhouette shape and faces of animals. Shocking softens the overall elegance of dresses, soft, shimmering silk, matte jersey fascinating, semi-transparent fabrics. In this mannequins dressed like losing his human nature, turning into a mysterious and defenseless creatures that are part of the charm of nature and grace and beauty.