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Why Is Terminology Management A Must For Companies?

Each company has its own terminology. Each company has its own, unique terminology to convey information and provide a differentiation on the market. These must be maintained within the company and between companies – even across national borders -. There are so many difficulties in the company in finding the correct terminology. Using expertise or competence, it says organic or natural, one titled employees as Assistant or Secretary? Terminology is integral part of any corporate communication and corporate identity. Each company has its own, unique terminology to convey information and provide a differentiation on the market. It is essential therefore, consistently making the maintenance of terminology, to ensure that a successful communication within the company and between the company brings the standardization of names following advantages for internal and external business processes to: Benefits of the maintenance of the terminology in the economy: better internal and external communication, less misunderstandings and complaints timely mediation of international content easier compliance with laws and standards brand consistency qualitatively better customer experience easier customization of products and services to global markets higher content of lower expenses for translation efficiency, fewer errors increased brand value of companies, on maintenance of terminology without, could expose themselves to many misunderstandings in the internal and external communication.

The consequences are often associated with high costs. To avoid misunderstandings, it is necessary to use methods and tools, the terminology can be organised efficiently and effectively. Still, terminology care guarantee a high-quality, consistent translation of documents, because terms are set. The use of a terminology database or by Termonologieglossaren in the translation of software documentation, and other publication for example, a shortening of release deadlines makes possible certain texts. Long term a reasonable maintenance of terminology can reduce the cost of translations, increase translation quality and as an important contribution to the international success of a product or service.

The Journalist

committee kerry senate conservative abortion politics The journalist and writer Eduardo Chamorro died headquarters last elephant night from senator July 13 to 63 congress years republican at views his home in Madrid campaign victim platforms of a long voter illness issues three years. vote Madrile o writer, born george bush June platform 27, 1946, election always noted for its extensive record as a literary journalism, poetry, mystery novel, republicans the parties story, the historical and political essays, and even gastronomy. Born in Madrid, beliefs during his entire career has been linked to Galicia, where he has worked with the newspaper La Voz de Galicia liberal ‘, which means in his george w. bush last article published last political Friday, entitled’ The taste of Russia.

Managing Director

German companies often obstinately insist on physical presence Bonn/Dusseldorf of every fifth German workers is always mobile. Most of them are travel time telecommuter with at least two hours daily, so the results of the European study job Mobilities and family life under the auspices of the sociological Institute of the University of Mainz, reported the Handelsblatt. Mobility, the newspaper, today not more largely resulted in a climb up the career ladder. Rather, she serve to avoid unemployment and social decline. Commuters have some disadvantages to wear. The risk of accidents should not be underestimated.

It is just for car commuters’ number one health risk, says traffic psychologist Thomas car arrow by TuV Sud. Also, the Dauerpendlerei causes the mobile can spend less time with friends and family and must organise themselves all the time. Thus particularly medium-sized companies the right Professionals in the province get, must be considerably more flexible in working hours. It motivates, immensely, if they even are allowed to work on the Monday or Friday by the Home Office of”employees, says the staff expert Marc Emde, Managing Director of KCP executives in Cologne. The technical requirements for spatially and temporally flexible working are given by the modern telecommunications. Who wants to win the best heads for his company, must offer more than just a reasonable payment.

This includes also a possible flexible work environment. This model also accommodates working mothers and fathers. But a conservative, yes rigid culture in some organizations prevent that telecommute or flexitime models really are used”, laments Emde. In a globalized world of work also the working hours of international standards would have to adapt, so Edmonds. In Europe some cling still much too strongly to the 35-hour week or the regulated work day from nine to 17 Watch. It belongs to the past. In the United States it is sometimes much more radical ways”, know the personnel expert. There, there is no prescribed hours for workers still compulsory attendance at meetings and also no core time. Rather than apply after hours, only the result counts: completed tasks, ready projects. Flexibility in the organisation of the working time is a blessing for the hectic professional nomads”, notes Emde.


You see, the sum has a structure, that should work. Like, train at home – I'm an athlete, I can. Now exit the scene, quickly tell all, show and go, there will not pass. The yield on the scene, it is necessary to attract the attention of listeners, because if you and you say no one will listen – it's terrible, by the way – this is one of the fears that we are afraid to go on stage, I am no one will listen, I'll look ridiculous, and so on. Struggling with fear, I no one will listen means to do so that people began to listen to you.

We leave, we draw our gaze into the room, not afraid to meet his eyes with the audience, look at who you listen, show them that you are happy to exit the scene before them, give them your positive, but not frozen Hollywood smile, just think to myself that before you are your best friends and now you have to say that something important is good. Wait, wait, circle the eye of the public, and begin reheat the crowd, tell them your preface, set them up hearing aids for your wave. Here there are many techniques, your behavior on the stage must be sure you have to radiate a positive. How to jump showmen, direct fire, and what you feel, here again suffer what some nonsense. So yes it is.

Positives should be inside you, you must radiate its, but not stiffly, but rather freely, with the mood, keep in mind you get from this pleasure. And here the song poured out, the public posting all that you have accumulated, the audience was inspired, the audience in raptures. Such moments should be to train, lift your mood quickly, at any time, instantly. Then you could do it, but if it does not make the crowd anyway, you do get your pleasure from the performances, then have to further improve their skills, and remember, no matter what you do in the report as the main present your ideas.

Dmitry Managing Partner

And now, according to the laws of the genre, the news was bad – large household appliances and clothing in January – February 2009, sold very badly. And this became evident when the fireworks died down Christmas. Then began the main problems at that time was already satisfied with the so-called pent-up demand. Only he saved sellers large home appliances and clothing in November December 2008 when all rushed to spend money in fear of devaluation. Summarizing the summary of non-product retail market review, I want to give food for thought. Look at the picture 5, note that there are several segments of the goods for which demand is growing, not in spite of everything. This netbooks (most of the increase in computer engineering), due to their low cost and functionality, and computer games, as an excellent alternative to more expensive entertainment. And I am glad that this list growing segments is not limited to, members of the same retailer, I recommend to pay attention to it.

Fig. 5 Those studies that formed the basis for this review to reflect the market in terms of our response to you on what is happening, that is, consumer preferences and experiences. In the title of this review I have brought a slightly paraphrased title of the movie. It hopes remained, but it was the latter, as in the case of the retail market. The last hope of retail no, not consumers, so they are a last effort spent their last money (excuse the tautology), routinely filling Shopping Centers The last hope of retail – the State.

Only through joint efforts with the authorities can still save the situation. Have not yet passed the point of no return. There are still people who believe that the wait for the end of the crisis did not last long, but too noticeable growth rates among the unemployed, who were somehow related to retailing, but lost their jobs. At the completion of the review, I want to finish my thought about “the skeleton of the economy>> and to demonstrate that awaits us, if retail will go the distance with the same pace. Our forecast makes you wonder. If the government does not intervene and will not trigger an aid to the developing once, retail, then, not later than early 2010, we will witnessed a reduction of 50-70%% of players in the retail market. And it’s not all. Falling at a pace the retail market will bring in their own hands no less than 3% with a minus sign in the total slowdown of Economic Development.