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Managing Director

German companies often obstinately insist on physical presence Bonn/Dusseldorf of every fifth German workers is always mobile. Most of them are travel time telecommuter with at least two hours daily, so the results of the European study job Mobilities and family life under the auspices of the sociological Institute of the University of Mainz, reported the Handelsblatt. Mobility, the newspaper, today not more largely resulted in a climb up the career ladder. Rather, she serve to avoid unemployment and social decline. Commuters have some disadvantages to wear. The risk of accidents should not be underestimated.

It is just for car commuters’ number one health risk, says traffic psychologist Thomas car arrow by TuV Sud. Also, the Dauerpendlerei causes the mobile can spend less time with friends and family and must organise themselves all the time. Thus particularly medium-sized companies the right Professionals in the province get, must be considerably more flexible in working hours. It motivates, immensely, if they even are allowed to work on the Monday or Friday by the Home Office of”employees, says the staff expert Marc Emde, Managing Director of KCP executives in Cologne. The technical requirements for spatially and temporally flexible working are given by the modern telecommunications. Who wants to win the best heads for his company, must offer more than just a reasonable payment.

This includes also a possible flexible work environment. This model also accommodates working mothers and fathers. But a conservative, yes rigid culture in some organizations prevent that telecommute or flexitime models really are used”, laments Emde. In a globalized world of work also the working hours of international standards would have to adapt, so Edmonds. In Europe some cling still much too strongly to the 35-hour week or the regulated work day from nine to 17 Watch. It belongs to the past. In the United States it is sometimes much more radical ways”, know the personnel expert. There, there is no prescribed hours for workers still compulsory attendance at meetings and also no core time. Rather than apply after hours, only the result counts: completed tasks, ready projects. Flexibility in the organisation of the working time is a blessing for the hectic professional nomads”, notes Emde.