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Mortgage Bonds As Investment Safe

Without great risk through turbulent times, the Pfandbrief has always been considered safe investment which has proven also in times of crisis. Investors appreciate its excellent credit rating and stable pensions in Switzerland and abroad. Who so looking for a charming alternative to Government or corporate bonds, will be a solid basis in the mortgage. A form of fixed-income bonds called mortgage, provided by private mortgage banks, public credit institutions or ship Pfandbrief banks to fund mortgage lending. The Exchange Portal explains why the form of investment for good reason regularly receives top ratings from rating agencies. Under the letter P interested in the economic lexicon quickly reach on the mortgage. Its history dates back to the 18th century, when the great due to the loss of the war was Frederick forced to pawn the Silesian landscape, to finance the reconstruction. There are three different forms of mortgage bonds, the is differ with respect to their collateral pool.

Mortgage loans secured real estate loans represent the value of the coverage. Public sector Pfandbriefe are based on claims against States, countries or communities. The rarely occurring ship Pfandbriefe are secured by ship mortgage. The Mortgage Bank Act, the public Pfandbrief Act or the ship Bank law governing the respective forms. Due to the high level of security and the fixed interest rate, many investors use the mortgage to build of a capital assets or as a private old-age provision. The average duration is determined by the market and currently fluctuates between 10 and 25 years. The full repayment of the invested capital, regardless of the price, under which the mortgage was acquired is carried out after the end of the term. More information: bonds… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

GmbH Software

Cost-saving and automation of operations by the industry software VARIO textile straight in this day and age it is also for the textile industry important, to save costs, to optimize business processes and to create transparency in the company. Just as a company’s future can be secured in the long term. This applies equally to owner-operated retail boutique up to the chain stores. The industry solution VARIO textile for textile trade allows companies to automate their business processes and optimize. The software VARIO textile is highly interesting for retailers. Through the software use of VARIO textile retail and simultaneous online sales save unnecessary manual work also in these areas. Flexible pricing policies by the industry solution VARIO textile is the assortment management of business very comfortable and flexible.

Just then, if colors, lengths, sizes, seasons and collections are represented must. It can be unlimited assortments and listings are maintained and stored different prices, for example, standard, customer group, customer special and seasonal rates. The pricing is only an example theme for the many functions that software will be available with VARIO textile. These functions can be used in sales and distribution, materials management, financial accounting, controlling, and in many other companies. One user of the industry solution VARIO TEXTILES, such as rock stars & Angels known from Germany’s next top model the start-ups of new fashion brands from LA or the fantastic four fanshop asks four success factors for successful projects, or bazar Royal from Dresden sales of the BELSTAFF collection why they have decided to sign up for use of VARIO-textile solution again four arguments fall: first: the industry solution VARIO textile is compact and yet very powerful. Secondly: VARIO textile is a market-leading industry software. Thirdly: VARIO software GmbH, developer of the industry solution VARIO textile has a comprehensive know-how of the textile industries (over 20 years), is large enough to survive long-term on the market and is very flexible and customer-oriented as the owner-managed company. Fourthly: The value for money allows to get even small businesses quickly and cost effectively, because the software modular structure is.