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Amsterdam Stock Exchange Euronext

TomTom’s products include all-in one navigation devices which enable customers to navigate right away. These are the award-winning TomTom GO family, the TomTom XL and TomTom ONE series, as well as the TomTom RIDER. In addition, independent studies show that TomTom’s products make a significant positive contribution to safety and to the safety on the road. Tele Atlas delivers the digital maps and dynamic content for the world’s most important navigation services and location-based services (LBS). By the combination of own products through strategic partnerships, the digital maps cover Tele Atlas more than 200 countries and regions from all over the world. The car Division develops and distributes navigation systems to automobile manufacturers and OEMs directly.

WORK combines industry leading communication and navigation technology with leading tracking and tracing expertise. TomTom N.V. was founded in 1991 in Amsterdam and has offices in Europe, North America, the Middle East, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. TomTom is listed in the Netherlands at the Amsterdam Stock Exchange Euronext. More information can be found at. About itCampus:, itCampus is an innovative software developer with international connections to science and research.

founded in 1999 in Halle and Leipzig, the company has today its own offices in Germany, United Kingdom, of Switzerland, Italy, Austria and the Slovakia. itCampus software development and software ergonomics offers its customers communication solutions, consulting and individual solutions in the areas of Europe. The intelligent part of the core business Telecommunications solutions named ELSBETH. They are employed in call and contact centers and communications-intensive enterprises. Since April 1, 2009, the software AG as a majority shareholder of itCampus is involved.