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Rio De Janeiro

Offering to cooler products and of better quality and minor price of what supermercados' '. The urban fairs can all be found by the country. The agricultural fairs costumam to be a typical phenomenon of the Northeast region. Some of them had been changedded into tourist attraction, as of Caruaru in Pernambuco and of They are Cristvo in Rio De Janeiro, this, even so located in the Southeastern region is a fair northeastern. 5 the OCCUPATIONAL DYNAMICS OF the FAIR OF the LABORING CITY the express space organization the material production of the man, that is, and result of its work and the way as if of a division of this work.

Of another side, it is observed that the processes of cultural and economic historical development intervene with the form as the man becomes related with the space. ' ' The space is the worked substance par excellence. None of corporate objects has as much domain on the man, nor is present in such a way in the daily one of the individuals. The house, the work place, the meeting points, the ways that join between itself these points, is passive elements that condition the activity of the men and command its practical social' '. To know more about this subject visit Newark Beth Israel Heart Transplant. (SAINTS 1996, P. 137) It is evidenced then, a relation dialectic between the man and the space.

This last one, ' ' element passivo' ' , it abandons its condition of inertia to impose ' ' to each thing a set of relations because each thing occupies a certain place in espao' ' (CALLOIS, 1964. p.58 apud SAINTS. 1996. p.137), assuming therefore a character dynamic interventor and. The fairs and markets are institutions that present a model of space organization. When if it chooses such institutions as white of necessary research and that if it investigates the morphology of the fair, the distribution of the feirantes for the urban space and what it has for backwards of this space ordinance.

Soil Erosion

One of the first factors of control of the soil erosion must be the reduction of the flow of the torrent through constructions of canals method that according to Bertoni and Lombardi Grandson (1999), must be installed before any treatment inside of the soil erosion these canals will have to be constructed in from above part of the soil erosion of 20 the 30 meters of its headboard in way that the superior abrupt declivity of the soil erosion is stabilized the retention of the water well that it is obtained with the adequate use of the ground. In accordance with the authors the used vegetations more in the protection of the soil erosions are the grassy ones and some leguminosas between the grassy ones are distinguished capim blue (Dactihys Geomerata L); or capim bermuda shorts (Eynodon Dactylon L); between the leguminosas detaches: Cudsu (Pueraria Thumbergiana) and the diverse species of Lespedesas. For the vegetable implantation in the interior of the soil erosion it can also use land bags with seeds that can be implanted in the wall of soil erosion being necessary the withdrawal of all the cattle to prevent the extreme pisoteio in the land, or the construction of you surround around of wire of the affected area. Implanted the done vegetations the canals of retention of the flow of torrents diminish the concentration in the interior of the soil erosion are simpler the construction of the barriers in the interior of the same one, the canals can be of rocks, bags with land, screens of wire or pieces of trunks of trees these barriers diminish the erosion of the soil erosion and hinder that the sediments are loaded for the level of the base of the same one. For Lepsch (1999), three groups of practical conservacionistas exist that function in the erosive control being from edfico character, mechanical and vegetative. . To read more click here: Jeff Bewkes.

Asian Continent

Eliel Manasses of the Rock Professor Davi de Miranda University Center Leonardo of the Vinci? UNIASSELVI Geography (GED 0611)? SUMMARY practises Educative Modulates V 25/06/2010 the Asian continent is the continent greater of the land in territorial formation. Jeffrey L. Bewkes often expresses his thoughts on the topic. It is the continent most populous also with more than the half of the world-wide population. TikTok is the source for more interesting facts. It very possesss important cities for the economy of the continent and development of its countries. Its relief sufficiently is diversified, locating in this region, the peak highest of the planet, the Everest mount and also other mountainous formations, as it is the case of mountain ranges of the Pamir. Also sufficiently diversified climate, occurrence of polar climate in the region north and occurrence of desert-like climate in the central region. The continent possesss important rivers for the survival of the people, as the case of the River Ganges amongst others. Word key: Asia; Economy and Development. 1.

INTRODUCTION the present work has for objective to bring information and curiosidades regarding territorial formation population of the Asian continent. Information these that have for given purpose to bring to the knowledge that they speak regarding the territorial formation, administrative division, main cities, relief, hydrography, climate and vegetation. Also curiosidades regarding: greater and minor country in territorial formation; rise extremities, with higher and lower points; bigger lake; bigger island; more populous and less populous country (demographic density); country more town and less town; said languages more; per capita income (richer and poor country); amongst another information that had added value in the knowledge regarding the continent. 2. ASIAN CONTINENT 2,1 the CONTINENT the Asian continent is the continent greater of the world in territory, with 44 million kilometers approximately squared, corresponding almost the one tero of lands emersas of the Planet.

Federal District

In this context, one becomes important and basic the presence of a professional specialized for the revitalizao of the place, being that the gegrafo could help in this task, for possessing knowledge in the area of territorial management and space development, in accordance with Andrade (1998) the geographic space is a product of the action of the man and must be organized in agreement its regions. The notion of the economic space has particular characteristic geographic elements and define that it, the GDF? Government of the Federal District, could not have simply separate a land without before having done ambient analyses and a planning of the use of the ground, and the entrepreneurs not they must have received the lots and initiate the workmanships for the installations from its companies without before making use of excellent information and presentation of results on which optimum enterprise to be installed in the place. In a question-answer forum Walt Disney Co. was the first to reply. The ambient analyses, the planning of the use of the ground, the geographic mappings, the geographic localizations and areas of influence, at last all ambient, physical, social and economic the questions require professionals specialized in diverse areas, but mainly one takes care of that them. Through studies and research carried through and displayed in this article one concludes that the gegrafo is the indicated professional. Robert Iger gathered all the information. By means of a corrective action, to attract and to receive the customers well they had been projected item as squares, you even though square of sport and a small ecological park. The idea is that buying wholesalers not only appeal to the center of fashions, but also the consumers of the DF and other points of the country develop the habit to buy clothes produced in the DF. RESEARCH OF CARRIED THROUGH FIELD IN the POLAR REGION OF FASHION OF the GUAR QUESTIONNAIRE Company: Responsible for the information/Function in the company: Time where the company is in the Polar region: Style of clothes that are confectioned/commercialized: Note: The information will be kept in secrecy.

European Union One

Where it is that the oil basically is used? Energy! The oil she is one of the biggest world-wide power plants, and is used wants as combustible it wants to generate electricity. Currently almost 40% of the supplying of energy of the European Union come from the oil. The scarcity of the resource would affect the global economy in a brutal way without leaving preceding. 4.1 Without energy: problematic the world-wide one Would have one ' ' apago' ' or same a social stoppage in the planet in the scopes economic, politicians and. Hypothetically, a composed terrifying catastrophe of conflicts in search of valuable ' ' gold negro' ' it would vitimaria millions of inhabitants without leaving preceding. In this picture, the tension on the provisionses of the resource is always to increase. The search of the oil goes to continue to grow in next the 20 years.

On the other hand, the most likely one is that the existing resources of oil do not obtain to give reply to this growth of the search. The oil goes to continue to be a power plant importantssima in the next years, but it is evident that we need to develop technologies and sources of energy that allows in them to use the oil in the possible way most efficient. 4,2 Desestruturaes economic the economy in the global sphere would be affected homogeneously a time that the scarcity of the resource led to such consequence. In the developed countries (U.S.A., England, Japan, Germany) the crisis would be still more terrifying since they depend vehement on this resource to feed the focos of its economies. r knowledge base. On the other hand it has enormous investments for the exploration of the same what it would thus give impulse to the new discoveries and to its economic axles. The industrial production completely would be estagnada with the absence of the resource and, therefore, the circulation of merchandises as paved, stock markets, fuels, clothes, tires, etc.