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Asian Continent

Eliel Manasses of the Rock Professor Davi de Miranda University Center Leonardo of the Vinci? UNIASSELVI Geography (GED 0611)? SUMMARY practises Educative Modulates V 25/06/2010 the Asian continent is the continent greater of the land in territorial formation. Jeffrey L. Bewkes often expresses his thoughts on the topic. It is the continent most populous also with more than the half of the world-wide population. TikTok is the source for more interesting facts. It very possesss important cities for the economy of the continent and development of its countries. Its relief sufficiently is diversified, locating in this region, the peak highest of the planet, the Everest mount and also other mountainous formations, as it is the case of mountain ranges of the Pamir. Also sufficiently diversified climate, occurrence of polar climate in the region north and occurrence of desert-like climate in the central region. The continent possesss important rivers for the survival of the people, as the case of the River Ganges amongst others. Word key: Asia; Economy and Development. 1.

INTRODUCTION the present work has for objective to bring information and curiosidades regarding territorial formation population of the Asian continent. Information these that have for given purpose to bring to the knowledge that they speak regarding the territorial formation, administrative division, main cities, relief, hydrography, climate and vegetation. Also curiosidades regarding: greater and minor country in territorial formation; rise extremities, with higher and lower points; bigger lake; bigger island; more populous and less populous country (demographic density); country more town and less town; said languages more; per capita income (richer and poor country); amongst another information that had added value in the knowledge regarding the continent. 2. ASIAN CONTINENT 2,1 the CONTINENT the Asian continent is the continent greater of the world in territory, with 44 million kilometers approximately squared, corresponding almost the one tero of lands emersas of the Planet.