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Quick Help Laptop

When a person uses a laptop in various places other than home or office, there is a strong chance that the laptop will be filled with water or other liquid. Usually, this drink, coffee or tea. It also happens that a laptop falls into the container with fluid. Of course, getting the fluid into the interior of any computer leads to disastrous results, often to the output of engineering work. But, if you have time in the first half an hour to help your laptop, it's likely he did not suffer so much or it will be ready to go. What to do in these half an hour, to minimize the possibility of working out of the system equipment, will be written on. Discovery Communications does not necessarily agree.

The more moisture or liquid fall into the laptop, the more breakage. But even if the amount is not significant, it is still a computer can deny you a job. Many just dried and wiped with a cloth top case, but it is wrong. It is often such actions lead to further damage to the laptop. After entering the liquid should do such steps: The first thing to do is remove all the liquid from the department of nutrition. To do this, unplug the computer and battery vyymite.

All this must be done a couple of minutes, and the sooner the better. Then leave the laptop dry for at least a day. Second, contact the customer service center. ore interesting facts. You can help it solve the problem. Do not attempt to repair the broken machinery of this will only get worse. When you contact the service center, be sure to tell us exactly what and how much liquid enters the notebook when it was what happened and what actions you have undertaken. Do not think that it is not playing the role, it is very important in order to properly restore a computer expert and his capacity for work without losing your data on your hard disk.


All modern parents confirm: the child's best friend – the computer. In the cobwebs of wires kid understands better than adults, and his vocabulary was enriched by the words "antivirus" and "provider" as early as nursery age. Baby Psychologists and do make bold assumptions about what a computer is an extension of the brain babies born in the "zero". And indeed, the feeling that "the flowers of life" of the XXI century with the birth are connected to the World Web: surf the web for them – about the same thing, that come into the court to urge the ball. Surf the web children are ready around the clock. Another question – what and how they are in these spaces and are looking for. Learn more about this with Discovery Communications. For systematic work with online resources is logical and useful to continue talking to children from the Internet at school, learned computer science.

All the more so by a special federal program for the Trust access to the network is now available in almost every Russian school. "Why did the school internet? What's the point in the class and still sit behind the monitor? "- An angry conservative interested teachers and parents doubters. The meaning is. After all, the Internet – not the "world cesspool, "and promising tool for learning. Network – a giant database, which is replenished every second. Hot on the monitor page Yandex and Google is able to replace almost all existing child in the world encyclopedia. The task of the teacher – to teach the child right to seek information, organize it, and skillfully handle it.