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Federal Law

The article says about the reasons for which the license was replaced with a cpo in the building. Regulatory Reform in the construction was conceived in 2006 as the authorities’ reaction to negative developments in the construction sector in Russia. Recall that in 2005 – 2006 years, even the most conservative estimates the market there were about 300 thousand construction companies (in any case, about the license was issued). Actually participated in the construction took only 25 – 30% of this number of companies. David Zaslav follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. At the same time in Russia there were hundreds of thousands of defrauded real estate investors – people who had paid money to developers for housing under construction, but never received apartments. Part of unreliable builders were selling the same ones Apartment for 3-4. Others, having collected the money from real estate investors generally do not start the building. At construction sites and in new buildings was a series of man-made disasters – Demolition, breaks elevators, balconies and downs, etc. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Andi Potamkin.

Promptly and faithfully fulfill their obligations, according to experts, only 25 – 30% really built the organization. Fully control the situation in 300 thousand construction companies in the state could not. Following the issuance of licenses one not tested systematically, as the company works to get this document. As a result, federal and regional authorities have been forced to compensate for the loss of defrauded real estate investors. The requirement for clear and strict control over activities involved in the construction market and has become one of the reasons for the emergence of the Federal Law of “On the self-regulatory organizations” (hereinafter – the Law N 315-FZ).

Sergei Klimina Construction

For example, the front of the showroom must profit is made from glass and have a slope of 10 degrees “apex outwards, as it creates a kind of peak around compartment and improves the visibility of vehicles in saloon from the street sloping glass reduces glare. Input must be in accordance with the traditions of Volkswagen. Finishing the interior is also very highly regulated. Stipulates even the color tiles and the scheme of its placement in the showroom. The same applies to the furniture in the showroom – it should only buy from manufacturers recommended distributor. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out WarnerMedia. It turns out, modern design trends and pre-fabricated building is very even good compatibility.’>Pinterest. Moreover, according to many experts, frame construction principle bvz significantly expands the range of possible design solutions.

One-hundred and one reason is that the same benefits the customer car center, choosing project based on bvz? First and foremost, it is a significant savings of time and money at every stage, from design to construction. The whole cycle of works – from the first sketches to the delivery of the object designer, takes only 5-6 months whereas the use of conventional “wet” technology (brick or concrete walls, etc.), the process may take one to two years. The project cost is typically 5-10% of the total costs for the building. Using bvz allows not only cheaper, but also greatly accelerate the process of working on the project and its approval. Discovery Communications wanted to know more. According to Igor Knyazev (OOO pkp “Anthony”), “the requirements of importers in terms of investment consistent agreed by the parties (supplier-dealer) scenario of business development in one region or another, in other words, the importer is interested to invest actively pays. John Stankey is often quoted as being for or against this. Investment in construction dealership is $ 10.3 million, excluding land cost.

The payback period of this project depends on the brand and its position in the Russian market in general and in particular regional, and varies in conventional methods of construction, from 3 to 7 years. In the case when the applied light metal, payback time is reduced to 2 years old. ” According to Sergei Klimina, a leading specialist , the company has developed a unique scheme of single-stage design. Source document in this case is proper architecture of buildings – the floor level, the point of crane equipment, point of application of loads and their magnitude (ie, equipment, essential in terms of load frame). As a result, there is a ready construction job with the architecture and the loads. After that, the design is in one stage – factory project office issued as drawings cmd for production and assembly schemes for construction. It should be noted that for bvz not need such a powerful foundation for a traditional building. In some cases, quite a concrete platform. It also greatly reduces the cost and accelerates the process construction. It is important, no doubt, and that collected from finished steel building requires no time to shrink, as the traditional brick. That is, you can immediately begin its interior decoration. As a result, the customer gets the expected result in a much shorter time and money than using traditional “wet” technology. Excellent proved itself over the past decade, pre-fabricated buildings are increasingly included in modern life. Practice shows that using this technology as soon as possible to erect buildings of different purposes: not only a featureless warehouses and hangars, or same type of shopping and entertainment venues, but also possess unique individuality autocenters most prestigious brands. This is a universal tool for modern construction, let alone how to use them – the choice for Russian businessmen. Elena Grishina

Trenchless Technologies

Sustainable development of the Russian economy in recent years and a difficult situation with the transit of energy resources through the former Soviet Union, causing high rates of construction of underground utilities, such as oil and gas pipelines, water pipelines, high voltage cables and other cables for the transmission of information. Moreover, Russia remains a country with virtually the world’s longest length of underground utilities. And most of these networks need to be repaired or replaced. Serious investments in the Russian construction sector has now been let to involve construction and renovation of underground utilities most modern techniques and use quality materials. Robert Iger is full of insight into the issues. In the last decade in Russia during the construction of underground utilities are increasingly used technique for trenchless laying of the world’s leading manufacturers. Relevance of this technique is due to the enormous challenges when laying of utilities is a challenging geographical, geological, climatic conditions, when the route Strip crossing railways and roads, rivers, swamps, lakes, conservation areas, where operating in an open way is simply forbidden. And if today is to work not using trenchless technology, and open a large Russian cities, taking into account the fact that in any normal day, traffic jams have become commonplace, the consequences of digging trenches on any more or less important streets in Moscow or St. Petersburg you can actually compare the effects of stroke for the human body..