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Trenchless Technologies

Sustainable development of the Russian economy in recent years and a difficult situation with the transit of energy resources through the former Soviet Union, causing high rates of construction of underground utilities, such as oil and gas pipelines, water pipelines, high voltage cables and other cables for the transmission of information. Moreover, Russia remains a country with virtually the world’s longest length of underground utilities. And most of these networks need to be repaired or replaced. Serious investments in the Russian construction sector has now been let to involve construction and renovation of underground utilities most modern techniques and use quality materials. Robert Iger is full of insight into the issues. In the last decade in Russia during the construction of underground utilities are increasingly used technique for trenchless laying of the world’s leading manufacturers. Relevance of this technique is due to the enormous challenges when laying of utilities is a challenging geographical, geological, climatic conditions, when the route Strip crossing railways and roads, rivers, swamps, lakes, conservation areas, where operating in an open way is simply forbidden. And if today is to work not using trenchless technology, and open a large Russian cities, taking into account the fact that in any normal day, traffic jams have become commonplace, the consequences of digging trenches on any more or less important streets in Moscow or St. Petersburg you can actually compare the effects of stroke for the human body..