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Bulk Asphalt

Production of Chinese manufacturers of asphalt plants are high quality and modern and the original design. Mobile asphalt plants types um, jd, dh, and lb are composed of separate modules, which facilitates their transport: – To supply bulk materials used conveyor belt. Ol quickly and easily adjustable height loading, adapting to the conditions of a particular plant site where the equipment is placed. The conveyor is equipped with LEDs. – Rotating drum isothermal well germetizirovan.Kak rule, This module installed efficient heaters that are imported into China. Nargevateli work on dizelnomtoplive (diesel oil), or fuel oil. – Bulk materials pass through a sieve. Its working part is located outside, to facilitate repairs.

Sieve has a high performance, well sealed and equipped with long-lasting springs sootvetstsvuyuschimi high class products. – The working chamber is made of high strength material. It kstanovleny high accuracy, allowing the operator to monitor the production processes to ensure that dual control over the quantity and quality components. – The main mixer copied from European counterparts .Bitum fed by pumps, loose parts – with the help of screw conveyors. The module also includes two blades ruduktora and a special form of providing uniformity and speed of stirring the masses. The module is equipped with a hatch for secondary asphalt mixing and other components (fiberglass, sawdust).

Features of modern asphalt plants are made in China effective systems and dedusting .V management systems on the complexes of types of um, jd, dh, and lb use the latest technology and components from siemens and their closest counterparts, the line distribution system commands profi bus. Controlling the production process computers are duplicated, making it easier to control both the process and increases the reliability of equipment and pozovlyaet promptly remove .Upravlenie can be carried out in mode automatics, semi-automatic and manual process that ensures stability and reliability of the workflow. Efficiency of dedusting systems is achieved by using high-quality (imported) bag filter, bandwidth the ability to not more than 50 mg/m3, in accordance with state standards. Collected balances are added to the asphalt being prepared, which reduces pollution and eliminates the need for cleaning and waste disposal. Application cooler increases the durability of the bag-bag. Asphalt plants are produced by leading companies, the leading positions are achieved through years of experience in the production of asphalt plants, the use of advanced technology of European and Japanese manufacturers and its own patented design. Manufactured in China asphalt plants meet current world requirements for performance, energy efficiency and environmental safety. Quality of products supplied complies with the international iso 9001 certificate. Technology, and the quality of asphalt plants are not inferior to European counterparts, being the best in price / quality ratio!