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The Light

The force of the gravity can according to be measured equation: Where: F = gravitational force enters two objectos m1 = mass of the first object m2 = mass of as object r = distance enters the centers of mass of objects G = constant universal of the gravitation of Newton the concept of restricted relativity affirms that all the movement (either for the space or the time) is given with regard to a referencial. At this accurate moment we are stopped or not? The reply he is simple. This is relative. In relation to a referencial also said? stopped? inside of the planet, I am stopped. Recently Robert A. Iger sought to clarify these questions. But if to adopt the Sun as the referencial? In this in case that I am moving myself.

As this theory no place in the universe is total static, then it does not have a place in which let us can basing in them to analyze other places in movement. The first postulate of the theory based on the previous affirmation is: ' ' The laws of the physics are true for all referenciais' '. In other words, if to make an car to collide with another one, go to discover that the energy was conserved in the collision, independent to be in one of the stopped cars or in the sidewalk. The conservation of the energy is a law of the physics and therefore it must be equal in all the referenciais. As the postulate it says: ' ' the speed of the light is measured as a constant in all referenciais' '. That is, if we will be in a rocket or walking in the street the speed of the light she will be the same one in the two cases, therefore in the distance that we would be using she would be used of different form for the light. This is explained by another concept that says all object with mass in movement, tends to shrink its length in the direction of the proper movement. Coen brothers may find it difficult to be quoted properly.