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Nile River Climate

However, they do not consider that global warming, as well as global cooling, have different effects on climate change at the regional level. In some places, climate becomes warmer, others – more humid in the third – a dry, fourth – a cold, etc. And, perhaps most importantly, what was good in terms of wood or coral in the distant past does not necessarily have been good for a man who somehow more interested not in climate and weather, and not for the next thousand years, and for the next five, ten, fifty or more years. As shown below, analyzing the history of nations in examples development of civilizations in ancient and medieval times, one can identify certain patterns that would explain the change in climatic conditions at the present time to predict possible climate change in the world the future and predict the further course of development of human civilization. The basis of the universal history of humanity, unfortunately, were the war, resulting in constantly changing geopolitical map of the world. Against the background endless wars somehow unnoticed, "quietly", sometimes without armed conflict, and without adequate attention from historians, there were events that lead to the disappearance of some civilizations, nations, peoples and the emergence of new. At the beginning of the third millennium BC (Approximately 30-28 century BC), arose on Earth, as is commonly believed, the first civilization shumeroakkadskaya civilization in river valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates, the ancient Egyptian civilization in the valley Nile River, Proto-civilization in the Indus Valley and the kingdom of Troy in Asia Minor.