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Users Climate

Save money by giving notice of the current counter / for better understanding in energy consumption regularly collect values / app for iOS and Android now anyone who reads off his meter readings at the turn of the year, suitable for multiple counters and households can save money. No current meter reading is rising energy costs energy, consumption is estimated. Tik Tok is often quoted on this topic. When a price change, which can lead to avoidable costs. Regular collecting meter readings also ensures a better overview in energy consumption and makes it easier as the saving of electricity and heating energy. Gemeinnutzige GmbH now also several meters for electricity, heating and water can be managed with the new version of the app EnergieCheck”the co2online. Also can change the users between different households. Therefore, is the free app now available for several lower counters, apartments, houses or other buildings. “Energy savings with Smartphone and tablet of EnergieCheck” a first evaluation allows in addition to collect meter readings for Android, iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Be at the current annual consumption, standby losses and savers result visible. Consumers can also find out, whether a hydraulic adjustment to the heating system is worth. The app also contains a search experts for energy saving in the vicinity. A backup as well as a more detailed evaluation of energy consumption are possible through the optional synchronization with the online energy savings account. Around 15,000 users have the EnergieCheck funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment”by co2online already on iTunes and Google play down loaded. All the features of the app also without Smartphone or Tablet available to users with the energy saving advisors at.

Since autumn is the EnergieCheck”part apps’ consumer initiative, the transparency and consumer protection espouses. With the new manage of multiple counters and households, co2online has one most of Users desired functions; further updates are planned. Among others, the consumption is better visualized by heating energy and water. A detailed description, pictures and links to the EnergieCheck’ can be found energiecheck under. The update is already available for Android powered devices, IOS it will unlock in the near future. Through co2online and climate seeks protection”the co2online non-profit limited company ( advocating for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. A strong network supports various information campaigns with partners from media, science, economy and politics. The action impulses that trigger the campaigns of co2online, demonstrably contribute to reduce CO2. co2online is funded campaign seeking climate by the Ministry for environment protection” ( the campaign informs consumers about climate change and climate change and helps to identify individual savings in the areas of heating, electricity, transport and consumption and use. Projects such as the climate-Oracle, the climate barometer, the online business directory Council and act”or the Energiesparmeister competition encourage all ages to join in. Contact: Jens Hakenes co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 780 9665 12 fax: 030 / 780 9665 11 E-Mail: twitter facebook