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The Transfer

Legally clear terms such as loss or liability, however, must not be defined. Rather the content description focuses on, for example, how the inspection or release of project results is scheduled for and conditions under which who is stuck in what amount. 3. establishment of an interdisciplinary team of contract in an interdisciplinary team a specialist of IT law, representatives of IT – and departments, quality managers and buyers of the client organization should be in addition to the project manager represented. Depending on the type of power transition, even the HR Department and the IT-controlling should be involved with. This team composition should ensure that all relevant aspects must be regulated in a contract, will be covered. The process of contract development should be planned already explicitly in the procurement process. There is also the involvement of legal support in time to plan.

Should the customer about any legal Have support at home, is it useful to access firms specialized in IT law or lawyers. 4. development of an integrated operating model In advance of outsourcing is to clarify how a future operating model (so-called service delivery model) has to look it. Two important aspects are covered here: the transfer phase with transfer capabilities of IT to the provider, as well as the future phase of operation at the service provider. The early considerations of the operating model help in a timely manner to identify contractual aspects; In addition, this operating model helps when selecting an appropriate vendor, as well as in the drafting of the retained organization. Under what conditions, the provider assumes responsibility for the operating model, who bears the costs of the project, how to ensure a trouble-free transfer belong to the important considerations for the transfer phase, for example, and what impact during the transition to the customers and if necessary other Suppliers come to.