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The Three Faces Of Money

Since money was invented, the exchange between people and enterprises, has been easier in times of barter. In barter, each of the parties had a tangible, palpable value put on the table. Money is a representative of the tangible value (labour, goods, products, etc.). Now that we are so modern, comes into play another phenomenon: the credit. It is not another thing that mortgage earnings in the future, with a service fee in the form of interest and fees. Now let’s see in simple terms, the three faces of the money. Yes 3 faces, are not only face and cross, as we got used to say. The first side is the money that you win; the second, is the money that you have and the third is the money that you have to live (or survive).

Your wellbeing will depend on how the three faces are balanced and how much control you have above, at least two of them. I remind you that balance does not by itself only, but that is something you should do. First face: what win do you have control over your income? The majority of people don’t have it. Especially those who work for other, private employees and the Government, know exactly how much they are going to win, but they can not increase that amount at his whim. Those who are self-employed may do so, depending on the type of work or undertaking carrying out. For these last, in theory, their income opportunities have no boundaries. Still, there is very little control on this side of the money.

I know people who have two jobs and still remain below their commitments. Second side: what should financial commitments that you’ve acquired, they are a part that, probably, is dictating the quality of life that you can enjoy. But this is an area in which you can and you!, take control.