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Human Transformation

Man is born into the family, from the first moment he's not alone. Psychological dependence creates a desire to remain with the people as a result of fear of being alone with him. Man is born into the group, it remains a part of a group create new groups, new relationships, make new friends. Man aspires to make yourself from the outside and add the missing elements. It does not stop the race and creates the nation, religion, political parties, and the Rotary Fan clubs. The whole existence – is there along with people. Why a person is afraid of loneliness ?…. Loneliness feels like death.

The death of a person's identity, which is built into the crowd. In the crowd you know exactly who you are, and if not you know, the prompt and quick call. You know, like your name, know your degrees, your profession, you know everything you need for a passport. Only here you whether this is true ?…. As soon as we go down the crowd, we will emerge from its personality and then we are faced with one question: – Who are you ?…. Why are you here ?….

Suddenly we realize that the name was given to us by relatives, the race to determine who is and religion as well. What does the race for consciousness? Our heart and blood Muslim and not Christian, our consciousness is not part of a small group or organization of the church. Who are you ?….