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The Nature Of Science

Aristotle's testimony confirms what has been said. The wrote the following: "It is essential that nature is a first. That is to say, nothing comes from nothing. a unique nature. ie a change or mutate constantly being she provided no other. which is manifold. what which means: to be transformed forever.

Conclusion of the three propositions is essential that a primary nature. that is unique, multiple, which always subsist emit all other things, Tales founder of this philosophy, considers water as a first principle, This goes to claim that the earth rests on water. And he was probably led to this idea, noting that the moisture nourishes all things, how hot it comes from her and every animal living in humidity, and that from which comes everything is clear which is the beginning of all things. Another observation led him to this view, the seeds of all things are humid by nature and water is the beginning of all things wet. (METAPHYSICS PAPER 1 CAP III ARISTOTLE).

In physics there is an axiom that seems to us wonderful, but physicists do not know where it comes from and who created it. We established that comes from the philosophy and I believe Thales. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Celina Dubin and gain more knowledge.. "Energy is neither created nor destroyed is transformed". "Thanks to their knowledge of astronomy since the winter could presume that the next collection would be plenty of oil. And to attempt to answer some charges brought against him by his poverty, which had not been able to rid your useless philosophy, I use the little money he possessed, in giving as security for the lease of all the presses in Miletus and Chios, and was cheap, because there were no other bidders, but when it came timely, the presses were suddenly sought by a growing number of farmers, and the sublease is wanted at the price, the profit was great, and this proved successful Such speculation that philosophers when they want to know easily enrich himself. For more than this is not its purpose.