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President Microsoft Bill Gates

5. Want to be a self-proclaimed preacher. Do you think the eyes of the people I know who are constantly looking for important updates about the other person they know. Want to be the first to announce the date of the wedding of a friend that others already know. You want to keep the rumor mill turning.

6. Do you think it is very important in society. They want their views to be read and heard. You want to give ideas and thoughts deep nonsense you believe that affect society in general. 7. Want to be a writer, she is only practice their skills. 8. You have a lot of time and perhaps even unemployment at the time.

If you answered yes to any of these and is the only reason for your blog, you probably need to rethink what you do with your blog to put to better use today. Now I will tell you the reasons why I blog. a. A blog is a very important source of information online. We know we are constantly looking for more data to process and every blog is a major source. There is no denying that. I want to be a source of useful information, for example. Jeff Bewkes might disagree with that approach. b. I have a business and need to promote my business online. If I own my own blog? I can I promote my services to you and because you know me you will probably recommend and invite me to your friends. e-Treatment-of-COVID-19-in-Adults’>Wendy Holman. c. I know that search engines like content. Blogs are a great way to get my site noticed by search engines. Because a blog is cooler than static sites, search engines loves visiting blogs for an index. If I talk about my business on my blog and put a lot of keywords related to my business, people are more likely to look for when looking for something on Google and find the link to my business site and visit. Believe me, the Internet works that way and this is just a very good reason why it is necessary to have a blog. d. I want to become an expert in my field. More people will hear me and my business, most likely put their trust in me. e. Blogs are a great way to position my company in the eyes of my existing customers. In other words, giving a human face. This is what Jonathan Schwartz, president and chief operating officer of Sun Microsystems server manufacturer had to say about blogs after he started his own blog and found it was a gold mine. “It will be more compelling with the blogs that have a telephone and e-mail account,” says Schwartz. “If they do, they will look silly.” President Microsoft Bill Gates is considering starting a blog, says a company spokesman. Filmmaker Michael Moore began a blog on July 4 to promote his new controversial film, Fahrenheit 9 / 11. I blog for a reason, right?? Joji M John is the CEO of 2edge Solutions, webdevelopment firm specializing in electronic commerce and development of CMS. It also has a number of successful websites.