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Cellular Concrete Company

Foam concrete, concrete blocks Foam, a variety of cellular concrete. According to their properties and applications similar to the gas concrete. (Definition of BSE). Among the variety of building materials and building blocks, small-pieces and insulation panels are the basis of individual building in suburban, town and rural settings. The cheapest of all the alternative types of materials are foam concrete blocks (concrete blocks) help reduce the cost of housing during the construction by the developers themselves to 2-3. Foam concrete – an economical, easy to use, environmentally friendly material that meets today's needs. Distinctive feature of our foam block is a high accuracy of geometric dimensions, high insulation quality, unique sound-absorbing properties.

Our company is individual approach to each client. Thus, the cost of high density foam blocks is equal to the value of building blocks. Well, to cooperate with the Company "Lana," or any of our competitors – is certainly up to you. Come to our site, please call and make the right choice!