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National Retail Federation United

Of these, 85% is destined for the United States. Go to Joel and Ethan Coen for more information. More than one million Colombians, on a total population of 43 million, It depends on the flowers for their survival. And Valentine’s day is the one who determines if the balance sheets of the companies of the producers and transporters will close in black or red. According to all evidence, Valentine’s day presents this year rather crestfallen, at least in the United States. It highlighted Diament, which is not only the economic downturn which constrains the imagination and clog pockets; It is the fact that, in addition, the date falls one Sunday, which is fatal for florists.

Because during the week, buyers, mostly men, make orders choose dinner or a trip to the theatre instead of the traditional bouquet of roses and raised late Sunday. The estimates provide for between 15 and 20% less sales on this date. A survey by the National Retail Federation found that Americans intend to spend an average of $102,50 per person, compared with the previous year 122.98 on this Valentine. The fall could be more pronounced in the case of the flowers. Colombia exports to the United States 62% of all roses sold; 92% of carnations; 93% of chrysanthemums and 97% of the alstroemerias, also known as lilies of the Peru. There are other flowers with romantic allusions. Daffodils symbolize everlasting love; Tulips represent love perfection; Lilac invoke the purity and orchids represent love and refinement. But Roses dominate widely preferences when it comes to romantic issues.

Already the Greeks and Romans associated the rose with love and its essence was used in the East to produce oils and aphrodisiacs perfumes or drinking it in tea. The truth, which is common gift of roses between the bride and groom, friends and/or relatives, both so the pink determines the message that is intended to express. For example, the Red Rose symbolizes love, the white represents peace and the yellow the friendship. In addition to the flowers. in the Valentine’s day are precisely those linked to the feast of love, especially restaurants and gift shop, passing also by florist, lingerie, chocolates, hotels, amusement parks and cinemas in 2010 sales generated more than $150 million nationwide, according to the company Hotel Profile consultant. Original author and source of the article.