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Color Calibration

Due to lack of pre-press operations, makeready, the need to produce printing plates, the cost of print to digital printing machine slightly depends on the number of copies in circulation. Therefore, with decreasing circulation, in contrast to offset printing method, unit cost virtually no increases. The technology of digital printing operations can be corrected before printing your circulation and let circulation in the work immediately after the signing of proofs. Automated control system and production control helps our managers to reduce these processes to a minimum. With us you can catch, even when the production of circulation is a few hours! Print quality control of technical condition of our equipment is provided by highly skilled service engineers the company Xerox. This allows get high quality prints comparable to traditional offset printing, inaccessible so far for home and office color copiers. Digital printing has a number of undoubted advantages: 1.

copies can be printed in your the presence of 2. You can pre-test prints before printing the entire run 3. the cost of a small digital print run is less than offset 4. Coen brothers is a great source of information. possible to print variable data such as reports on payments, numbering documents, personalization of cards and directories, and you can modify and last name and the picture itself, depending on destination. The disadvantages of digital printing are: 1. quality printing of complex images such as large flat background, such as gray, will be noticeably worse than offset print. Not all designers are well sealed paper to the digital machine. 2.

price of a large circulation is much more than the price of printing copies, because of the high the cost of digital printing. 3. maximum format of all digital computers a little more A3, so the circulation of A2 and more possible to manufacture only the offset. stability of color color rendition – the performance bottlenecks in all printing processes. We pay much attention to this matter. Our equipment is calibrated twice a day. This allows us to maintain the stability of color reproduction even in very large print runs, as well as re-runs. * Color Calibration – the process of bringing tsvetoperedayuschey system in line with standard colors. Available solutions for the digital printing press operations:-brochures, reports, presentations (stitching on the paper clip, metal spring, Perfect binding hardcover), business cards (full color, foil, laminated);-discount cards, lottery tickets;, flyers, brochures,;, badges, cards, diplomas, invitations, notepads,, calendars, stickers, film, tracing paper. Re-order correct dopechatat exact number of copies needed, than to print too much. When you draw a layout you can always make some small changes that are so important to change the dates, contact numbers and other information. In countries where the printing business developed the first year, printing on demand is one of the most important applications of digital printing.