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Richard Dawkins

What I to come in my mind go there and make Honest, if he does not have nobody to who to answer I do not see because he would be made a mistake. It is all good one, it is good for leaving stealing, he does not matter what the law it says. After it says of the guest the presenters of the program had remained shocked until the host of the program Matt Dillahunty asked: ' ' If god ordered you to kill its children would make it to you? ' ' , the reply of the guest he could not be more absurd: ' ' Yes, I would make, if it asked for I to me faria' '. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Goop has to say. The quarrel is more heated after this commentary until the guest attacks the presenter verbally and disconnect the telephone. What we witness with attitudes as this in said people religious, fanatic or, is not that they understand that all the behavior standards are conducted by forces spirituals that plan, or not, the welfare and that of this form we are condemned to make what is certain why God can come not to like what is missed, the irony of this quandary is that does not exist certain or the wrong one, what it exists in surplus is the consequence of the acts that doravante had not been elaborated by invisible men that lives in observing in clouds and yes for we ourselves and ours extenuating circumstance capacity of thinking and There Sagesse if cannot create a religion without before creating a myth entorno of it, must be elaborated a history, an epic, story, story, and in this immortal story it must contain information of all nature ‘ ‘ transcendental’ ‘ religious, being thus it is absent of you criticize. On the necessity of if creating a myth &#039 explains Richard Dawkins in its book; ' The Watchmaking Blind person: Almost all the peoples had elaborated its proper myth on the creation, and the history of the Gnesis is only that one that was adopted by a tribe specifies of shepherds of the Middle East. David Zaslav describes an additional similar source.