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Propaganda Medias

Kotler and Keller (2006) still cite some steps that the companies can take to stimulate canals of personal influence: ) To identify to people and influential companies, who could be customers, as great corporations, analysts, journalists specialized in the sector and to dedicate to more attention they stop developing opinion. Please visit Robert Thomson if you seek more information. b) To use influential people or that they inspire to credibility in propagandas of the type certification, as a celebrity, to create an opinion leader, or to make presentations the influential people in the community, as local, representative broadcasters of entities and presidents of organizations. c) To develop propaganda that possesss great ' ' value of conversa' ' , as the famous phrase ' ' It is not a Brastemp' '. d) To develop reference canals mouth-the-mouth to increase the businesses, frum electronic for quarrel and same sharing of experiences or the viral marketing, transmitting one content internauta to another one. Kotler and Keller (2006) cite the not personal canals more than as communication directed for a person, and this includes the media, consisting of the medias, writing (periodicals and magazines), transmitted (radio, television), in net (telephone, handle, satellite, without wire), electronics (CD-ROM, video and ribbons audio, Web page) and expositiva (panels, outdoors, posters).

Amongst the half not personal staffs and, the authors cite the five main medias (propaganda, public promotion of sales, relations and personal assessorship of the press, sales, direct marketing) that they represent the main explored tools of descriptive and simplified form in the following topic. 6.2.1 Propaganda Is one of the most important medias it composed promocional. One is about an indirect communication, for intermediary of diverse medias with identified sponsor (WOOLS HOUSES, 2000). Mark can be used to develop a lasting image for a product/or to stimulate fast sales and still to add one ' ' good valor' ' for the announced mark. The propaganda also is of extreme importance for the marketing activity.