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Power Creator

And God said: become the heaven and the Earth and the heaven and Earth were created. Genesis according to St. John. Thus, with the use of the word Dios initiated the creation, if this is the case and we were created in his image and likeness, because we simply have your same creation ability but limited to our life. We are product of what we think and say, and in many occasions of what we write. What happens to us in our life has been atraido by what we have said our thoughts or voice. Read this to most of the people the following question comes to mind: how are you going to tell me that I’ve wanted for my life the bad things that have happened to me? And to thee I answer, the truth Yes, you have attracted into your life all the good or bad that has happened to you. Check with Leslie Moonves to learn more. The point is that probably, what your you consider negative in your life, it has attracted in unconscious way.

How is this? Simple, our subconscious not launches hundreds of thoughts to journals, usually related to fears that we have learned during our life, that makes us keep thinking reiterated on someone or something negative, this repeated thought, although we do not want it consciously, what does is create our present next (what we know as future), leading to materialize what we consider, despite not wanting it. Let’s take an example, if a thought of fear comes to the achievement of a goal that we have set, normally this thought is product of the fear of failure that we instilled since childhood, and we take that thought in a conscious way and we keep in our minds, doing to appear everytime we are dedicated to our goal, despite our effort to achieve what you’re looking forWhat we do is tell the universe, to our mind, our creative source, that we are afraid of failure and that this is what’s going to happen. Result: failure total in what we wanted to achieve. What do? Therefore do not let negative thoughts are regodeen in our mind, we should out of there as fast as they arrive, sustituyendolos immediately by positive thoughts. To do this, I recommend use of a word that has become very common among the people to keep away bad thoughts and has its origins in metaphysics: cancelled. Uses this word, everytime you’re in that situation and immediately replaced by positive thinking and I really like soon, those negative thoughts tend to spread in time. However, also is important that you take care with the spoken word, don’t talk negative themes, do not use expressions that send opposite messages: evil as always, without a dime in his pocket, the situation is terrible and other. No matter if at that moment that is your truth, but understand that to the extent that repeat, seguiras being your truth.

THINK POSITIVE AND GET BETTER RESULTS. Is this enough to get what we want? No, definitely not, need other things so that your life will achieve the creative force that you have in you and about this topic I will tell you another time. And as says universe, in my most recent audiobook chatting with THE universe: Thought is not more than the test of the scenes they materialize in our life.