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Mallorca Differently informs about a villa on the sunny island of Majorca offers more than just the shooting man and who can say, which would sure like to meet the local, hidden corners of the island. Click Walt Disney Co. to learn more. This remains the visitors also the mass processing in a fifteen storey high Hotel saves. The Internet portal, introduces a special rarity: the hotel Bon Sol. Already, the story of this small gem awakens Mediterranean dreams: Antonio Xamena subsided to a small villa on the beach about 50 years ago, because his own swimming area was displaced by the construction of a port. When then the opportunity arose to buy the ensuing coast land, he turned this gradually in a hotel oasis with gardens, pools, villas, restaurant and private beach. The hotel close to the castle of Bendinat and the Bay of Illetas, which are great destinations Gets an additional incentive. Today, Xamenas son continues the family business and has written even a book about it.

Much publicity has not needed, because of the traditional hotel four come five guests. Who would like to see more of the island, may to the nearby village of Estellencs drive, which almost secluded on the North West Coast, is known to only locals. Who don’t mind the Pebble Beach, which will be rewarded with clear and clean water a paradise for snorkelers. More information: magazine/showArticle/article/869 contact: Tilo summer Unister Media barefoot Gasschen 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59