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Local Ownership

Flag 5. Playgrounds – the country where you spend your spare time – leisure, tourism, getting all imaginable and unimaginable pleasures and pleasure in their spare time business. In the recent past, in Soviet times, a cosmopolitan ideas could be put behind bars, now all in your hands. Filed under: Brian Roberts. Practice shows that most such companies used to perform the following operations: – export-import of goods and services – freight transport – performance contracting, – ownership and management of intellectual property – ownership and management expensive property – investment, ownership and management of corporate rights. The main idea behind the construction of schemes, is reduced to what to try to split an existing business on your part – two, three, four, etc., in building relationships between residents and businesses not directly, but through intermediaries, which you well and in control. In this case, you have the opportunity of financial planning and trade flows between all the links you built the chain.

Each link has a role, the main challenge of offshore managers – to accumulate in your account obtained after the transaction profits, the role of Ukrainian managers – currently accumulating at a costly part of the transaction, thereby reducing the tax base. As a result, you are on a legal basis has minimal taxes and earned capital in the accounts of offshore companies, exempt from taxation. Practice shows that most of the offshore companies used during export operations. "Export Scheme" incredibly simple and accessible to almost all exporters. In this scheme Offshore buys the goods at the lowest price, which only can be specified in the contract, and then resells the goods the buyer has the final at the world price, leaving the host is not taxed and are beyond the control of Local authorities difference.