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Dialogic Question

In turn, these will be verified by means of the question technology on their consistency. Finally the maeutisch respondents, manages to discover the actual facts of the case itself or to move closer to at least restore the truth. These help in searching and finding of knowledge, where instruction consistently, without… than specific Socratic alternative to the conventional knowledge passing on and practice of curriculum Lern(en)-Arten. Rather, the knowledge of the ancient Greece were everyday knowledge. According to David Zaslav, who has experience with these questions. Not to academic nature and spirit Sciences. This ‘know yourself’ the Oracle of Delphi stands for the Sokrates’sche birth of knowledge at the eternal questions of humanity: How do I get? Where am I? Where do I go? Why: Sinn (cause)? Why: The purpose (target)? Aim of Socratic dialogue… is the common understanding of a fact based question and answer.

Socrates did not accept then diffuse talk about the investigation, but insisted on a direct answer to his question: In the Socratic dialogue, the Socratic question has priority. The issue contains two moments: it is expression of the alleged ignorance of applicant and appeal to the respondents to reply or to admit his own ignorance. The answer provokes the next question dialectic, and thus comes the Dialogic inquiry underway.” (B). It is to distinguish between the grammatical form of a set of question and response action type of the question. With a question set not only a question, but also other speech acts can be performed. So, a question set can include also a call or make a claim. “Interrogative sentences with a prompt, a request, or a command: the door is closed down?” (possible sense is an appeal: check this and close the door, if it is not locked!) Can you tell me please, what time is it?” (common sense on the matter layer: you tell me please, how late) is!) Expect the answer “Yes” or “no”, but the time.