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Culture Looks

The culture will control this aggressiveness internalizando it under the form of Superyo and directing it against I, the one that then can become masochistic or autodestructivo. Freud had listened to say of certain person who in all human being exists an oceanic feeling of eternity, infinitud and union with the universe, and by that only done is the man a religious being, beyond if it creates or not in tal o cual creed. Such feeling is in the base of all religion. Freud does not admit that feeling in itself but a psychoanalytic explanation – genetic of the same tries. We catch ours I I eat something defined and demarcated, especially of the outside, because its internal limit is continued with it. The suckling baby does not have such demarcation. I-placiente begin to demarcate myself of the outside like, being different itself from the displacentero object that will be " fuera" of him.

Originally I included everything, but when she separates or she distinguishes of the outer world, I finish being atrophied remainder of the feeling of being one with the universe before indicated. He is allowed to think that in the sphere of psychic that one past feeling it can be conserved in the adultez. For even more details, read what Jeff Bewkes says on the issue. Nevertheless this oceanic feeling is more tie with the limitless narcissism that with the religious feeling. This last drift in fact of the infantile neglect and nostalgia by the father who this neglect provoked. The weight of forces us to the life to three possible solutions: to distract us in some activity, to look for substitute satisfactions (like the art). The religion looks for to respond to the sense of the life, and on the other hand the man looks for the pleasure and the avoidance of displacer, unrealizable things in his fullness. He is so the man reduces his pretensions of happiness, although looks for other possibilities like the hedonismo, the stoicism, etc.