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Chinese Government

In the recent dispute between Google and the Government gringo on the one hand and the Chinese Government on the other lies a diametrically opposite conception of the world, society and the individual. Puritan is currently used to refer to someone who shows radically guided, in appearance, by the Christian precepts and the Bible justifying this reprehensible actions yet to impose their interests; covert as well by the beliefs that says hold. This interpretation of Puritanism was born in the United States of America, whose social experiment was developed in the form of a Calvinist theocracy. More info: Robert A. Iger. Contemporary examples of this concept are the political persecution of McCarthyism, as well as the actions of the Bush family and partners, promoting first (as opposed to Soviet expansionism) and demonizing later principles of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. Additional information is available at Robert Thomson. The Zhou era entered the great texts of Chinese thought. These texts reflected the ideas of social and ethical, although not theological, that have influenced the development of the society China to the present day.

In this sense, Confucianism has been the hegemonic in Chinese society ethical doctrine. The doctrine of Confucius, compiles and structure the tradition of Chinese thought in a series of mandates on the duties of every man of Government: 1. love to the people, renew it morally and seek the means necessary for everyday life. 2. For this reason, should be served first with sovereign respect for one who is the dominant head.

3 Cultivate personal virtue and route without ceasing to perfection. 4 In private life in public, always observe the upper trail of Justo middle. 5 Take into account two kinds of inclination of man: some come from meat and are dangerous; the others belong to the reason and are very subtle and easy to lose. Practice the duties of the five social relationships between Governor and Minister. Between father and son. Between husband and wife. Between elder brother and younger brother.