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Business Contact Centre

Most work in customer support too annoying long wait for an answer. Thus, 91% of Russians would prefer to receive a callback from the operator through Ten minutes later, than to stay on the line during this time. Three out of four clients would be able to select a callback if the response time is delayed. However, impatient in this situation not only countrymen: the same answers were given the Germans, Englishmen and Frenchmen. But the Russians are quite loyal to that company's push them to use self-service instead of a conversation with the operator, to which a Russia is ready every second. In the UK, live communication requires 80% of consumers in Germany – more than 92%.

Russian citizens were more tolerant and to the fact that in the process of communicating with the customer service they have a lot of time repeat your message – it only causes dissatisfaction in 20%, whereas in other countries irritates 52% of respondents. The modern call center should ensure that communication is not just on the phone, but also on such channels as SMS, web chat (instant messaging on the Internet) and e-mail. Discovery Communications is the source for more interesting facts. It turned out that Russian customers are more inclined to use new channels than the Europeans. Thus, 52% of Russians more than anywhere else, would like to support relationship with corporate client services via SMS. Open to the SMS-communication and Poles (46%) and Czechs (31%). Western Europe is more conservative: Use the channel ready to just 10% of Germans and 14% of the French. In the United States generally accept only 2% of the respondents, but 28% for interaction with a contact center would prefer Web-based chat (in Europe – 19%). Truly international character has acquired e-mail: on average, 86% opt for this type of communication, and more than 45% would like to communication by e-mail has become the main type of communication with the companies.

But the latter should be very responsive to e-mail clients: 21% of the world average and 30% of Russians expect a response within one hour (three years ago the figure was 6%). Over 89% of consumers worldwide and 98% of Russians would like to get on the phone or text messages from companies information about other exciting products and services. These messages help to create positive image among customers. In 89% of compatriots call of courtesy, specifying customer satisfaction quality of goods or services or containing just thank you for your cooperation, leaving a positive impression of the company. However, only 43% of the world average and 39% of Russians had ever received such calls. Business Contact Centre