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Biodex System

Carry out the test in the isokinetic dynamometer. Obtaining Data printing. The Protocol of isokinetic evaluation was as follows: calibration of the dynamometer. Open personal file of each subject. Positioned correctly the subject in the armchair of the dynamometer according to criteria of the Biodex System 3 Pro manual. Shaft alignment articulate ankle by palpation of the external face of the external malleolus and accommodation of the rest of the leg and thigh using the lever arms that show tooling of the dynamometer. Stabilization of the subject with straps of the own dynamometer to level pectoral, pelvic and distal third of the thigh opposite to the leg that is evaluated and placing resistance in the plant of the foot by platform subject at heel and the dorsal aspect of the foot by cinch equipped with pillow. Registration of the ROM.

Joint range of motion, for the subsequent selection of a single specific rank for each athlete. Were six repetitions of testing for the familiarization of the subject with the dynamometer, whilst being a muscle preheating to different speed of execution of the test, two repetitions at low intensity, three to sub intensity and a maximum repetition. Correction of the gravitational effect (9). The isokinetic mode selection: isokineticks unilateral-ankle (plantar-dorsi-flexion) – with/with: Test. 30? (5 Rep.) Requesting the subject that on the basis of the maximum bending plant, perform 5 flexo-extensiones of ankle with maximum effort and without encouraging him throughout the test. Pause for a rest period, for 45 seconds at maximum flexion position planting.

The isokinetic mode selection: isokineticks unilateral-ankle (plantar-dorsi flexion) – with/with: 300? (10 Rep.) Requesting the subject that on the basis of the maximum bending plant, perform 10 flexo-extensiones maximum ankle and without encouraging him throughout the test. Statistical analysis: means test for normality curve and x? Student t for related samples (software SPSS 14.0).