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Asia Inspection

The propeduticos cycles will be option for all is; the ICETEX will be a mega financial organism, modifies the scheme of calculation of hour wage chair, it allows to the access of is with the intention of profit and private capitals for the public ones; the division of methodologies of actual distance finishes and; controls for the advice are created superiors; the masters are different investigation and professionalisation; the barrier between labor the technical and technological formation of the professional finishes; the CESU recomposes; Fodesep disappears; contributions from the nation raise public is; one regulates in detail the inspection, monitoring and administrative sanction of the is, that taking of possession of some on the part of the State includes, and one that another article of good will, but without teeth, are some of the main propose reforms by the MEN to Law 30 of 1992. The Ministry was sent to the water and, finally, it presented/displayed his proposal of reform to Law 30 of 1992. It made the presentation in an act that it counted on the presence of more than 500 academic ones, and in which the minister made a general analysis of the main academic points of the Ley.Los have kept prudence on the text, because only when finalizing they knew it to the meeting – in CD and as soon as they are trying to assimilate it. The work of the Ministry has been valued, although the surprise by the way stays as it worked not knowing the contributions of the academic Colombians, professors and students. Directors, Ascun and associations several, have analyzed the subject, but they were not considered for the proposal. It is enough with giving a glance him to the bibliography used by the MEN to find that there is no a single reference of Colombian works. The initial discussion has oriented towards the possible incursion of money deprived in the public university and the arrival of is with the intention of profit, which of in case it generates a reflection on the new commercial model of university management that will prevail in the country: an education that still does not know if he will be profitable for the society but stops the new owners of the is, many of foreign them and other that, finally, will be able to make transparency their management. . Learn more about this topic with the insights from Robert Thomson.