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Monalisa Teacher

' The film the smile of Monalisa' ' , it portraies the submission of the woman in the decade of 50, of a society conservative and machista, where the women are guided to be excellent mothers, wives and owners of house. The formador main element of this submission if gave in the school Wellesley College whose ideology was total conservative. In this context the teacher Katherine Watson was contracted to lecionar on history of the modern art. Its formation was given in a liberal perspective, opposing itself total to the principles of the school. It was in this traditionalistic educative scope that the teacher Katherine Watson, arrives with innovative a proposal of education: it forgets books and it introduces the pupils, teaching of a simple form through presentation of slides of famous workmanships, a new conception of what it would be the modern art. To know more about this subject visit Joel and Ethan Coen. This professor also tries to place for the pupils who they do not so only need to be cultured and responsible wives, but also to follow a career, to search a profession in which if they carried through and if they felt useful. Although teacher to want to print new values still existed the resistance of some pupils in accepting that the woman could become fullfilled itself professionally without opening hand of the marriage.

The ideology that predominated was that its lives had been made for the marriage, being thus, would be one confronts the society and its family, the woman if to become independent and to have a promising professional career second, leaving in plain the familiar constitution. However, if it becomes perceivable that the liberal thought explicitado by the teacher found obstacles for its propagation, since its principles came of meeting with the ideal conservatives of that society, being that this only aimed at to keep and to reproduce the perspective imposed for the machista society, in which the woman has inferior paper related to the man, being thus, well-known the sort inaqualities. The proposal of the film the smile of Monalisa, brings tona the paper of the woman in the society and as if the concept was created that it has that to be of the home, opening hand of the professionalization. It is a culture that is arraigada in society and that still today this type of thought is detected when not accepted the masculine figure that the woman studies and/or works. Exactly with all advance of the fights feminists for better conditions of work, isonomy of wage amongst other claims, can be detected despite, exactly the woman being well studied and even though with a superior academic formation the masculine, it still yes is white of discrimination.