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Studying Translation

The world today lives at a great pace, where everything becomes increasingly more to snow them international, since jobs, businesses and an endless activities are carried out between different countries, so it is necessary in many occasions the use of a language other than their own; therefore in today’s world is almost as essential to the study of a language other than their own, which will be of great help in different situations of life. At Celina Dubin, New York City you will find additional information. The problem that arises for many people, is that the use of other languages is very difficult to apply, since not is this normally in an environment where use is made of other languages; so the solution to this problem is to study translation, this will allow access a world in which it is necessary to always think and talk in another language to be able to apply the knowledge in everyday life, which in the professional life will allow many fields of action, to a greater extent in doing business with people overseas and also if some day you want to travel to another country where the own language is not spoken. Study of translation and interpretation, means a big step toward the development of capabilities, since the use of different languages open many doors. So to begin to study translation and interpretation will be mainly 3 foreign languages which are English, French and German, which will develop slowly, can emphasize the study in a certain language and the others are left as secondary and tertiary, without however also is possible to choose any other language that is pleasingsuch as the Italian and among many others. In the development of the studies topics will be as linguistics applied to translation, for which it is necessary in the first instance the completion of a course of Spanish language, because but dominates in an appropriate manner the Spanish will be a good translation of other languages, also conducted classes about various resources that can be deployed to carry out the translation, of great importance applied documentation is presented to the translation, this employee in the languages of study that have chosen to study, allowing other languages to learn and are simultaneously carried out practices that they allow the adequate realization of translation. With the advancement of knowledge in the various languages that have been taken to study translation, it will happen to another level that represents a greater degree of difficulty, but it also meant a greater application of foreign languages and its subsequent translation; so will be topics such as techniques of consecutive interpretation of tongues and specialised translation, after this may be understood and perfectly understand the other languages to be able to perform translations in a natural way and make it easy to understand for others..