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A structure of very strong domination is remained, as an illness that impregnates the mind and the body of other institutions. We would say that all the religions possess the same objectives, without demonstrating its yearnings clearly, since exactly its leaders, understanding its entailing with god, finish for if deluding and deluding those that follow them in total ignorance the new knowledge. A form of manifest domination if in the society through pressures with trends to value the central power, either it politician, religious or in both the cases of totalitarian and centered governments. In the Christianity the wait of the Resurrection, inside of the catolicismo to be seated to the right side of God father all powerful. For the judaism the wait of messias if eternalizes. In the Islamic world, benesses of a life beyond tomb, bathed in all comfort that it did not possess while alive. In the buddhism, the reincarnation as solution and in all the religions ' ' the death being better that vida' '. Read more from Newark Beth Israel Heart Transplant to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

Many young more courageous intellectuals fear above all, in the measure where they go being recognized, incorporated and used, to deliver the mere conformismo to it, leaving of being creative and truily useful (Hofstdter 1967). In the current days we also live of myths, of many myths, but we do not enxergamos as myths, but yes as true relations with God. We need to have messias and children of deuses that they coexist us, and for this we raise churches in its names. We pass our life to adore and to wait its births, its reincarnations, its comings as if he was possible man and espritos to coexist in harmony in one same space. The conscience human being creates relations impossible to be able to justify its fears..