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Chinese Furniture

In China's interior no sharp edges, bulky furniture, and one that is not are diverse. As a material for manufacturing such as furniture and various other items commonly used strong but flexible bamboo. Furniture decorated with a complex multi-layered painting technique. Used for decoration on black lacquer carving. In contrast to the austere simplicity of a Japanese Chinese full use of interior space areas, creating niches, arches for the location of decorative items and toys. In contrast to the grand furniture cabinets are simple household items. Rich environment lived looking finish exquisitely decorated with lacquered tables resistant thread, which put ornaments and vases. In the furniture is widely used and known to Europeans intarsia technique – plunge decoration of the finest plywood different shades on the surface of tables, cabinets.

But, unlike the European, which has the main plane of the parent, the Chinese above the surface. The furniture in the homes of notable Chinese differed from furniture commoners. The main objects of the interior furniture is among the lounger, chairs and tables. All items are made using bamboo, and were basically rectangular shape. Another distinctive feature, the still living, perhaps, only in China, is a complete lack of curtains on the windows and the houses are no chandeliers, even though electricity is, of course, light house, but by ordinary light illumination. The main idea of resettlement of Chinese dwelling is interwoven with real mythology, where the main protagonist is a dragon – the most powerful of all animals. 'Home' color in Chinese life 'appointed' red – the color of a fiery dragon, color energy.