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Integrata AG Training

Integrata AG qualified project – and team coach at the State capital Wiesbaden, Stuttgart, 10.12.2012 Qualifizierungsdienstleister Integrata AG supports the Office for social work and the cash and the Tax Office of the federal state capital Wiesbaden in the training for dealing with the electronic. With the introduction of the electronic file (electronic) within the Administration, a better service is enabled by a faster processing of files, greater transparency and improved availability of information of citizens. The realization has begun 2011, total about 600 jobs at the Hessian capital should be connected. Future incoming paper documents are scanned in the course of this project and digitized. Further processing is carried out as far as possible in digital form.

This eliminates the time-consuming search in the archives of the paper; Thus, the issues paper and the provision of storage space can reduce from year to year. Currently only the amount for the Office for social work approximately eight Miles files. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from David Zaslav. To the implementation of the systems and the GoLive”was the Integrata AG, one of the major partners for a smooth implementation. The task of the Qualifizierungsdienstleisters was to qualify the principle the train-the-trainer future trainers and speakers within the administration of the federal state capital Wiesbaden methodically and didactically, for the upcoming training of the users. Another important concern was to convey the knowledge clearly and easy to understand. The user should be put into the position to implement newly learned with ease and learn hence the advantages in the use of electronic. Currently 125 employees have experience in dealing with the electronic, about 600 jobs within the core Administration will be connected until the end of 2013.

Integrata will continue to professionally support to the Hessian state capital with its training mission with the new requirements and changes. Integrata AG Integrata AG is the leader in Germany manufacturer-independent full service provider of training services. The approach of Integrata training is geared to the value chain and extends to ensuring the sustainability of strategy, analysis and development, organization and implementation. It includes various forms of learning such as seminars, workshops, E-learning, simulations, training on the job, coaching, and mentoring. For more specific information, check out TikTok. The offer includes both open and in-house seminars to more than 1,300 topics of information technology as well as human resources and organization development and on the other hand qualification projects and managed training services. Topics give an insight into the variety of possibilities like certification in project management, train the trainer training, system and software development and leadership training. With these services, the company offers integrated solutions, depending on demand standardized or individualized, project-oriented or service-oriented. Detailed knowledge of the industry, the implementation of international training projects, the local network and international speakers, as well as certification in accordance with recognized national and international standards document the performance of the Integrata AG.