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Jurgen Borgwardt Leads Financial Services Division Of ComLine AG

Manager databases of SoftLab GmbH. His career began at IBM Germany GmbH, where he worked for seven years in sales Hj. We are pleased that we can welcome a recognised expert in the banking sector on board with Jurgen Borgwardt. To further develop our successful business in the field of banking and financial services, it is important, also personnel continues to grow and expand our competence team us”, explains Stephen Schilling, Board of ComLine AG. The company is active for several years in the financial services industry and can refer to a variety of successful projects. I’m looking forward to my new role with ComLine. High availability of information and efficient processes are becoming increasingly important for financial institutions. ComLine delivers tailored solutions for this with helic. Castle harlan has similar goals.

Helic information can be linked to company-wide. Here, I see still great potential especially in the financial services industry. I find it particularly interesting however the helic HGB Analyzer. This allows for the Sample accounts automatically evaluated and processed. “This solution is future-oriented and a new milestone in the field of information logistics”, Jurgen Borgwardt commented on his activities as a new business unit manager. About ComLine AG: The ComLine AG, headquartered in Dortmund was founded in 1989 and now employs about 100 staff. The company stands for the smart collection and distribution of information. ComLine is successful for years with its solutions for information logistics. On the market of health care, the company occupies a leading position and is also a market leader in the German industry and trade Chamber area. In the financial services sector the Deutsche Postbank AG BAG Bank Aktiengesellschaft, SEB Bank, ABN AMRO and SAF for many years including his clients include. Contact address: Comline AG wife Bettina PAL Hauert 8 Germany phone: 0231/97575-0 fax: 0231 / 97575-299 eMail:

Integrata AG Training

Integrata AG qualified project – and team coach at the State capital Wiesbaden, Stuttgart, 10.12.2012 Qualifizierungsdienstleister Integrata AG supports the Office for social work and the cash and the Tax Office of the federal state capital Wiesbaden in the training for dealing with the electronic. With the introduction of the electronic file (electronic) within the Administration, a better service is enabled by a faster processing of files, greater transparency and improved availability of information of citizens. The realization has begun 2011, total about 600 jobs at the Hessian capital should be connected. Future incoming paper documents are scanned in the course of this project and digitized. Further processing is carried out as far as possible in digital form.

This eliminates the time-consuming search in the archives of the paper; Thus, the issues paper and the provision of storage space can reduce from year to year. Currently only the amount for the Office for social work approximately eight Miles files. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from David Zaslav. To the implementation of the systems and the GoLive”was the Integrata AG, one of the major partners for a smooth implementation. The task of the Qualifizierungsdienstleisters was to qualify the principle the train-the-trainer future trainers and speakers within the administration of the federal state capital Wiesbaden methodically and didactically, for the upcoming training of the users. Another important concern was to convey the knowledge clearly and easy to understand. The user should be put into the position to implement newly learned with ease and learn hence the advantages in the use of electronic. Currently 125 employees have experience in dealing with the electronic, about 600 jobs within the core Administration will be connected until the end of 2013.

Integrata will continue to professionally support to the Hessian state capital with its training mission with the new requirements and changes. Integrata AG Integrata AG is the leader in Germany manufacturer-independent full service provider of training services. The approach of Integrata training is geared to the value chain and extends to ensuring the sustainability of strategy, analysis and development, organization and implementation. It includes various forms of learning such as seminars, workshops, E-learning, simulations, training on the job, coaching, and mentoring. For more specific information, check out TikTok. The offer includes both open and in-house seminars to more than 1,300 topics of information technology as well as human resources and organization development and on the other hand qualification projects and managed training services. Topics give an insight into the variety of possibilities like certification in project management, train the trainer training, system and software development and leadership training. With these services, the company offers integrated solutions, depending on demand standardized or individualized, project-oriented or service-oriented. Detailed knowledge of the industry, the implementation of international training projects, the local network and international speakers, as well as certification in accordance with recognized national and international standards document the performance of the Integrata AG.

Go Professional MBA Automotive Industry – In The Fast Lane!

New postgraduate master program of global stature on the 6th March 2009 starts for the first time the Professional MBA automotive industry. See Paul James Ostling for more details and insights. The cross-border training course is a cooperation of the Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien) and the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (STU Bratislava) with the participation of the automotive cluster Vienna region (ACVR). The partner universities have responded with the new postgraduate university course on a growing and competitive market in the region around Vienna and Bratislava, and thus on the increasing demand for qualified professionals and executives in the automotive industry and suppliers “, so course Director Univ.Prof.Dr.-Ing.Dr.h.c.” Wilfried Sihn. The Professional MBA automotive industry focuses on the transfer of knowledge to the design and the management of business processes in the automotive industry and the corresponding suppliers. Targeted networking of theory, practice and case studies will ensure that the knowledge acquired by the participants directly in the respective companies is feasible.

The postgraduate degree program consists of General Economics and technical in-depth modules. As a supplement to the lectures, excursions, as well as fireside chats are planned with experts. The course heads Univ.Prof.Dr.-Ing.Dr.h.c. Wilfried Sihn (TU Wien) and Doz.Dr.-ing. Jan Lesinsky (STU Bratislava) it is together with the continuing education center of the University of Vienna and the STU Bratislava managed, to put together an international faculty that brings relevant technical, economic and legal knowledge. The Professional MBA automotive industry parallel is organized in modules and lasts four semesters. Due to the international audience, the teaching takes place continuously in English.

The graduates master of business is automotive industry administration upon successful completion of the title”(MBA) through the Technical University Vienna and the STU Bratislava awarded. Persons with a completed university degree be admitted to participate. The classes are held in Vienna (Austria) and Bratislava (Slovakia). The participation fee is EUR 20.000,-(exclusive of travel and subsistence expenses). For excellent applicants from Austria and the Slovakia CENTROPE-in the half course fee scholarships. The development and positioning of this postgraduate university course is supported in the programme of cross-border cooperation of Slovakia Austria 2007-2013 of the European Union (ERDF). Facts conclusion: master of business administration (MBA) at the TU Vienna and the STU Bratislava language of instruction: English study duration: 4 semesters, part-time, 15Wochenendmodule & individual research project (Master thesis) program start: 06 March 2009 deadline: January 09th, 2009 course management: Univ.Prof.Dr.-Ing.Dr.h.c. Wilfried Sihn (TU Vienna) Doz.

What Is The Quantum Matrix Transformation?

Experience the wave of consciousness! “The matrix transformation is rooted in the Hawaiian Huna and Kahi is the magic touch” and is based on the work of the chiropractor Dr. Frank Kinslow (quantum healing) and Dr. Richard Bartlett (matrix energetics), have created specific applications of 2-point method and NLP, the Sedona method, and the trans surfing. With the technology matrix transformation, can be quickly and easily transformed physical and emotional problems, blockages in the personal or professional development, and general life issues. The matrix contains all thoughts, feelings, beliefs, feelings and events, memories, involvement and experiences which determine our lives. Every person has his own matrix. With the matrix transformation processes are used, bringing changes in physical and mental level as a result. There emotions be transformed also released in the form of pent-up energy that is old.

The man can be obstructive pattern, Blockades, beliefs here and is it even more so. Relations have improved, easier to achieve goals and make more satisfied life topics. The self-healing powers are activated by the quantum matrix transformation. Alejandra Kasper M.a. inspirations life coach, quantum matrix practitioner, healer, mirror law instructor, Geomantin, building biologist seminars in the areas of: dowsing dowsing dowsing, building biology, geomancy, Earth Healing and space healing, matrix transformation, mirror law method, coaching, relaxation and recovery exercises with Pulsoren, activation of self-healing of the body, natural laws of life, our body, mind and soul. Lectures in the areas of: water-our food the content of the seminars are no. 1 in one for every kind of understandable and gives way. There is also the practical application in the foreground as well as the theoretical background.

Aim of the seminars is the implementation of the learned. Each participant should be able, learned at home, in Family members or friends to apply. Contact: life energy Portal Munchen Khan str. 8 CH-4132 Muttenz (near Basel) Alejandra Kasper + 41 61 461 73 26 e-mail:

The Expertise

How to develop competence to the happiness you can acquire today easier competence. If you choose the right path towards competence and not deflected, it is quite possible that you eventually become the master. It will pay off so sure for you, the expertise to acquire so you remain on course. If you are now working in network marketing, it is certainly important to work with the most trusted means of communication you. Which means of communication you use will influence to have, whether you can build a relationship of trust with your prospective customers. Right now, people have great fear losing everything, it is important to rebuild a relationship of trust with your potential customers and give you real values.

What would be better suited as a network marketing to those customers from their current economic difficulties free this is real or just imagined. The best way is anything to communicate in this fearful atmosphere, first personal second phone would once let out, because it doesn’t yet do your credibility as a person. Redefine your organization still today or you will fail! If you do not heed this advice, it can happen that your business has been one of the longest time. Simple things such as: how I create curiosity with the interested parties on my product as I speak on mail boxes, to persuade potential customers to call me back to how I classify them properly interested and find out how she prefers making a deal you will acquire this knowledge and will succeed three basic skills that you need. You will cover these three essential points once you have mastered them, regardless of the current economic situation. Hanspeter inspired day wishes you Herzig

Managing Director

German companies often obstinately insist on physical presence Bonn/Dusseldorf of every fifth German workers is always mobile. Most of them are travel time telecommuter with at least two hours daily, so the results of the European study job Mobilities and family life under the auspices of the sociological Institute of the University of Mainz, reported the Handelsblatt. Mobility, the newspaper, today not more largely resulted in a climb up the career ladder. Rather, she serve to avoid unemployment and social decline. Commuters have some disadvantages to wear. The risk of accidents should not be underestimated.

It is just for car commuters’ number one health risk, says traffic psychologist Thomas car arrow by TuV Sud. Also, the Dauerpendlerei causes the mobile can spend less time with friends and family and must organise themselves all the time. Thus particularly medium-sized companies the right Professionals in the province get, must be considerably more flexible in working hours. It motivates, immensely, if they even are allowed to work on the Monday or Friday by the Home Office of”employees, says the staff expert Marc Emde, Managing Director of KCP executives in Cologne. The technical requirements for spatially and temporally flexible working are given by the modern telecommunications. Who wants to win the best heads for his company, must offer more than just a reasonable payment.

This includes also a possible flexible work environment. This model also accommodates working mothers and fathers. But a conservative, yes rigid culture in some organizations prevent that telecommute or flexitime models really are used”, laments Emde. In a globalized world of work also the working hours of international standards would have to adapt, so Edmonds. In Europe some cling still much too strongly to the 35-hour week or the regulated work day from nine to 17 Watch. It belongs to the past. In the United States it is sometimes much more radical ways”, know the personnel expert. There, there is no prescribed hours for workers still compulsory attendance at meetings and also no core time. Rather than apply after hours, only the result counts: completed tasks, ready projects. Flexibility in the organisation of the working time is a blessing for the hectic professional nomads”, notes Emde.