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European Union One

Where it is that the oil basically is used? Energy! The oil she is one of the biggest world-wide power plants, and is used wants as combustible it wants to generate electricity. Currently almost 40% of the supplying of energy of the European Union come from the oil. The scarcity of the resource would affect the global economy in a brutal way without leaving preceding. 4.1 Without energy: problematic the world-wide one Would have one ' ' apago' ' or same a social stoppage in the planet in the scopes economic, politicians and. Hypothetically, a composed terrifying catastrophe of conflicts in search of valuable ' ' gold negro' ' it would vitimaria millions of inhabitants without leaving preceding. In this picture, the tension on the provisionses of the resource is always to increase. The search of the oil goes to continue to grow in next the 20 years.

On the other hand, the most likely one is that the existing resources of oil do not obtain to give reply to this growth of the search. The oil goes to continue to be a power plant importantssima in the next years, but it is evident that we need to develop technologies and sources of energy that allows in them to use the oil in the possible way most efficient. 4,2 Desestruturaes economic the economy in the global sphere would be affected homogeneously a time that the scarcity of the resource led to such consequence. In the developed countries (U.S.A., England, Japan, Germany) the crisis would be still more terrifying since they depend vehement on this resource to feed the focos of its economies. r knowledge base. On the other hand it has enormous investments for the exploration of the same what it would thus give impulse to the new discoveries and to its economic axles. The industrial production completely would be estagnada with the absence of the resource and, therefore, the circulation of merchandises as paved, stock markets, fuels, clothes, tires, etc.