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The Kuhn

All processes are in a single structure. Adjust the interactions among themselves. The efficiency of the processes is so improved because at hand by concrete statements about deficiencies and weaknesses of a process is predicated. In the subsequent process of composition management, core and support processes are analyzed, because often problems not with the activities within the logically expiring process steps, but the interfaces, such as in the handling of on – and offline business in connection with the goods and finance or the nature of the complaint. They are often just the little things that lead to huge errors and into individual companies operations ground to a halt. Then, process indicators with the financial earnings be linked (liquidity, investment and control processes). This opens up the possibility of vote of all possible processes between the strategic and operational areas Central and decentral. Use true to the principle that only what is measurable in a chain store companies, can be controlled”, the chain can act rather than only respond.

Because he knows the Kuhn solution, whether or not he is good at what he does (decision support: KUHNRORI). This early and systematic control of the companies processes releases much needed finance to reduced risks, opportunities. You implemented a preventive companies leadership, which considers all activities and prioritized according to importance for the Filialgeschaftserfolg. All are controlled in a total single process system Activities that directly affect the Filialgeschaftserfolg and the liquidity. Also, the credit is affected specifically. Another advantage is that Fremdfinanzierer get a quick overview and confidence. “The question of how efficient is the chain store companies?” to answer, an efficiency rating system is integrated in the solution. It ensures the regular evaluation of the agreed objectives and the overall system. The once set target States are thus constantly tracked and continuously evaluated. At the same time, the Kuhn solution is the initial point for individual developments. Crises because you can better understand, adapt better to and draw new resources, with the challenges of the crisis better is being administered, the motivation increases to explore opportunities and to take advantage of, be the right insights for the future of Q1, is the risk awareness and crisis prevention improved a good base for which guidance is given in turbulent times (1110).