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Take the own video guide? Camtasia by TechSmith is a software to create professional tutorials. The user can just play his game or use a software to take screenshots by pressing a key now. These are automatically provided with date, to archive them now. Of course the names can be adjusted. Just as easily the user can cut with with this screen capture software videos, to archive this. That’s not all what can this software however by far. The data can be played back in the most popular sizes for use on virtually all players. With just one click, the user can provide his videos directly to YouTube.

You can be shared on Facebook. Who only one code for the embed needs, which can store the video on his FTP database. The user can now send the code with emails or he can embed it in blogs and forums. And that’s not all always: A ready-to-screenshot can be incorporated easily in Word, PowerPoint, or Excel. It can all PowerPoint presentations using Camtasia to create. This software is compatible with many other systems and this makes them very valuable.

So far the screen recorder was used only image editing, image material to record and share. This is but only a part of the possibilities. The user can create whole tutorials from the archived footage. It sound and picture tracks provided him, to professionally cut. Like, royalty free music can be included. No copyrighted title should be used for the public because this can give problems with GEMA. The user can play a but also comments on the sound track his footage, recorded with a simple microphone. In addition to the material from the desktop you can play also footage from the camcorder. The user can embed tags and text modules in the footage. He can enlarge snippets, or you can cut and paste into other material. Irrelevant areas can be blurred, to the eye of the beholder on that Essential to steer. There are still many more effects that offers this software. The interested surfers should use the free trial for 30 days, to inform yourself by E-mail to make, as the entire applications can be used. After everything is learned and you found this software to be good, it is still early enough for a purchase. More details on author: text agency EliteSEO

Asian Cuisine – With Traditional Recipes From Thailand

The Thai cuisine is unique in the world Thai food is unique in the world. It is characterized by many foreign influences and differs significantly from the cuisines of neighbouring countries. Some of its features can be explained by climate and culture, but also generations of invaders and numerous waves of immigrants played a large role. The roots of the State of Thailand can be traced back to the 1st century. At that time, lived in the time of the Han dynasty of China, the Thai tribes in parts of southern China to the rich trade routes between East and West.

In the course of time, the Thai developed a close relationship if also sometimes stormy to the Chinese. With time, they moved south in the present-day northern Thailand, which borders Myanmar and Cambodia and then only sparsely inhabited by Buddhist and Hindu peoples. The Thai formed the independent Sukhothai Kingdom (translated “Dawn of happiness”), which later took the name Siam. By Siam had access to an important trade route to its ports. Ships from Japan and all over Europe built on the coasts or going up the rivers and led with exotic goods: tea, spices, silk, copper and ceramic. In the 16th century, the Portuguese brought chili in this part of the world where the plants thrived well and still do it. Trade with Arab and Indian merchants also was important, many Muslims settled in Siam. The Kingdom of Siam existed until 1939.

Then it became a constitutional monarchy in Thailand. Also in the present-day Thailand, the centuries-long cultural diversity is still to feel. The Thai is an independent, proud, creative, and passionate people. Their Joie de vivre is reflected also in their enthusiasm for pleasure and food. Like eaten any time of day. Everywhere on the streets, you can see small stalls offering a wide variety of small dishes.

INFINUS Managed Fund

INFINUS AG financial services institution: Fund management multi manager approach Dresden converted, may 2013: to March 1, 2013, the financial services Institute INFINUS AG has converted its fund management of the single on the multi manager approach. With the extension, INFINUS combines the experience of two asset managers which are specialized on different investment strategies and improved access to various investment strategies for investors. Enlargement of the multi-manager the INFINUS AG financial services institution has redistributed the responsibilities for its umbrella fund with clear responsibilities. The INFINUS relaxed Fund will, as well as the INFINUS balanced fund and the INFINUS dynamic Fund, managed since March by DJE capital AG. founded in 1974 by the asset manager and today’s CEO Dr. Jens Ehrhardt, the DJE capital AG now ranks among the largest bank-independent asset managers in German-speaking countries.

The INFINUS AG makes available to see more information. The INFINUS AG Financial performance Institute is very pleased to have won, the DJE Kapital AG for the care of the INFINUS Fund ( Because the asset management from Pullach is specialized in value-based and low-risk investment concepts for nearly four decades. You manage both private and institutional asset in the country and abroad and is one of the top addresses in the market. A.

M., a subsidiary of the Switzerland and an investment company in Luxembourg the DJE capital AG with offices in Cologne and Frankfurt is also internationally well positioned. INFINUS ecoConsort remains CATUS AG asset management sustainability fund INFINUS ecoConsort Fund performs the CATUS AG as yet the function of the investment manager. The INFINUS benefits under the supervision of CATUS AG continues from whose experience as a system specialist for environmental, ethical and social sustainability investment. The diversified portfolio of the INFINUS AG Financial Services Institute offers a very good risk / return profile investors together with the multi-management approach. Because the Combination of the best asset managers for the respective segment and the diversification of investment styles increase not only the likelihood of good returns, but reduce also the Volatilitatsrisiko, explains the INFINUS AG financial services institution. On the financial services Institute, the financial services Institute INFINUS AG INFINUS AG was founded in 2002 to its current headquarters in Dresden. On the date December 31st 2012 that supervised according to 32 KWG licensed companies nationwide more than 830 business partners. The exclusive product portfolio group among the INFINUS systems with fixed interest character and maturity between 30 days and 15 years. Five in-house asset management Fund (INFINUS relaxed Fund, INFINUS balanced fund, INFINUS dynamic Fund INFINUS ecoConsort Fund and INFINUS Terra premium Fund). Investors thus benefit categories of private banking from a thing-oriented all financial concept to the age – and risk management of real estate, commodities and green assets up to the most demanding. For Questions and additional information: INFINUS PR & Marketing GmbH Loschwitzer str. 38 01309 Dresden contact: Denise vala T: 0351-656-935-0 F: 0351-656-935-25

Mediumsized Business

Debi select funds are well positioned the Debi select supports with its funds attractive in many ways and financing models the troubled middle class. The strong growth seen in the volume of this type of financing is achieved in 2010 shows the success of the factoring area, where the offers of Debi select move, last but not least. “Adjust quickly, or the middle class suffers again”, financing specialists demand due to the implementation of current banks lending standards better known under the keyword Basel III and Basel IV. The Landshuter Debi select group is joined to promote SMEs and provides for this targeted capital of specialist factoring companies. If banks for a first-class SME credit hold more equity than for bonds, can anyone calculate, how little attractive business with corporate loans for banks will be in the future “, warns the Professor Hans Jorg Schmidt-Trenz, CEO Chambers of Commerce. This makes impossible not only expensive, but in many cases financing for German medium-sized companies. It is nice, that the German medium-sized companies could significantly expand its equity position in recent years, thus so overall better.

“But this does not mean a quantum leap,” Norbert Wagner from the Debi select says corporate groups. “Because while Germany’s corporations are better than in recent years and in the press also full bodied the best give this, it hooks still there, where the gross national product is actually generated and especially the jobs: In medium-sized and small and medium-sized enterprises.” Currently, at least the mood in German SMEs is good, according to Creditreform outright record. About half of the companies surveyed described the current business situation as very good or good, only a few feel the market situation as poor”. This mood has become significantly compared to the previous year improved. In 2010, only slightly more than a third of respondents were similarly optimistic.

Chief Executive Officer Professor Hans Jorg Schmidt-Trenz also confirmed an increase in new of projects as well as a recognizable sales increase. For comparison, can currently about one-third of all medium-sized companies point to a clear increase in sales, there were only 19.4 percent in the spring of 2010. At the same time the share of companies decreased significantly, who complain about sales. “But this positive market development should not over it fool that the financing situation is still very tense,” Norbert Wagner from the Debi select thinks group of companies. It was obvious that the banks could take a significant influence on, continues the economy cracked on now or you just would shut off the air. The Debi select group has made free by this market situation and provides capital in the way of factoring then, if the requirement is met. Factoring is the purchase of money claims from Supplies of goods and services at discount understood. In other words: The Kapitalsuchende gets his money immediately, must however take a haircut in purchase and reward also the speed of the deployment. Doctors in fact Germany so settle private bills. Important for investment products, the Debi select as a pioneer with their Debi select sets a group Fund, is that the claims are safe, so secured or collateralized.