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National Art Association

A young art club turns and the art of its members in the first annual exhibition of the 25.04 3 in North mountain (Rothenburg o.d.T.) before. The small, essential annual exhibition by art sanctuary to the first birthday of the Association is 3 in wrap country Inn in North mountain, Hauptstrasse 19, by the 25.04.-to visit 22 daily (except Tuesday) from 11. On Saturday, the 25.04 15 – 18 all art enthusiasts are cordially invited to the opening. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Robert Thomson by clicking through. eat expertise in this. As the General Assembly of the Association held in the same location from 18.30, many artists are to the Vernissage. There are all information under art presents itself today very diverse, a wide range of currents and styles can least coexist.

The annual exhibition of the National Art Association art Refugium e.V. shows a wide range of different forms of art contemporary in this sense: sculpture as well as painting, photography in addition to graphics, realistic in addition to abstract a common motto is hard to find the variety of creative work of the members of the art club. An interesting tension arises exactly from this otherness of the individual works of art – the connecting element is of the form: all shown exhibits (except the sculptures) are made in the format of 50 x 50 cm. In addition to the works of art, there is a documentary overview of ongoing, unprecedented and to see in a future art projects, as well as a short presentation of all artists who have joined together to this Association. Art Refugium e.V. Celina Dubin, New York City gathered all the information. exists since spring 2008: a cross-regional association of artists from all over Germany. -Is in addition to the supra-regional networking to a common website and the implementation of art actions.

New concepts in the foreground are the projects realised in addition to a presentation on art markets, children’s workshops, or similar standard Club appearances. Some actions take place in the public space: the artists go with their works on the road. For example, there is the Concept image line, where the artist instead of the laundry hang their pictures on the leash and tighten them at street festivals from tree to tree. These actions are aimed not only at a small elitist group of art connoisseurs, but meet the people on the street, people who usually only rarely found their way into the Museum. In addition to actions in the public space, art retreat organized classical exhibitions, but also here with the attempt to introduce new elements. In early April, there was an exhibition in the Schloss Neckarhausen 25 works of art for a good cause (in favor of the children’s Hospice in Heidelberg) for valuable items could be exchanged at the opening ceremony.

Gunter Beltzig

In his luminous Red and the perfect, smooth surface resembles the object, from another world. The inspiration for the design was Baha during a visit to his cousin in Weimar. In the Goethehaus, Baha discovered the lectern with a saddle of a horse as a seat, where Goethe had written his works as an old man. He designs a “white horse” first, it developed a new shape in red and underscoring the abstract value: a muse Chair with Muse table in lush appearance as an expression of the generation of provocation. Made in Germany the same elaborate engineering of that time finds use in the limited edition. Heinz Roehnert, who as early as 1973 produced a print run of about 20 pieces of Red Beltzig seat sculpture as an employee of the Baha brothers, could be won now for the limited edition.

He works in the hand-laminated fiberglass reinforced polyester approach. The two component resin – enriched with fibre for the tensile strength – is applied in five to seven positions on the form. The craftsmanship is evident in the applied thin layers and material composition. The less resin in relation is used to the glass fibers, the tougher, more resilient and more agile work. After each step, the air bubbles will be rolled out manually from the material.

After tempering”at 50 degrees, the protruding edges with a diamond saw blade be sawed off and sanded: an indication of the individuality of each individual work. “Moving seats Loffler seat furniture GmbH Werner Loffler developed 18 years ago moving sitting” and started a dedicated success story today is constantly improved with the patented ERGO TOP technology the ergonomics of sitting. The seating furniture production in the Bavarian Reichenschwand grows every year and the office swivel chairs now Europe reach an ever-increasing quality, shape and price-conscious audience.

Bianca Capello

The splendor of the Court of Family while the Duchy of Vincenzo Gonzaga was expressed not only with his excellent patronage, special, the magnificent works outside the Royal residence, as the hunting residence in Bosco Fontana by Giuseppe Dattaro from Cremona and the churches of San Maurizio and Sant’Orsola, created by the architect from Cremona Antonio Maria Viani. The most impressive architectural works created Vincenzo, were the theatre with over 1000 seats, which he created for his artists, but was destroyed during the sack of Mantua in 1630, and the ambitious citadel in Casale Monferrato. What attracts the visitors is certainly interested in the psychological profile of the characters, which are celebrated: undoubtedly the temperament bubbling over and reputation as a Latin lover of the Duke are two essential ingredients of the combination that made his name big and known in all European courts of the time, in spite of the small dimensions of the Duchy of Mantua. Was the life of the Duke of characterized many episodes that were very sensitive for the time: from the first marriage with the thirteen Margherita Farnese, which was disbanded after two years because of the inability to realize the marriage due to a physical disability of the wife to the second marriage with the seventeen years Eleonora de’ Medici, who was also controversial: the mother-in-law of Bianca Capello had some doubts about the virility of the Duke, through many tests with doctors and other witnesses, and later of the 6 children by his wife had Vincenzo, and were informed by the information collected again disloyal, that led to the conception of just as many or more -, illegitimate children. To learn more about the life of the Duke, you can visit the exhibition in the Museum Diocesano Francesco Gonzaga, one of the most important Mantua attractions.

Juan Rodriguez

Never He seemed able to discuss the rojiblanco triumph. Less even with the controversial 2-0. Controlled party the party was already set directed by Argentinian Diego Simeone when Arda Turan was a clear of the rival defense, aided by hand, prompting protests from Getafe. The average tip was planted before Moya, without opposition, with Falcao as option on the left side, dribbled to the goalkeeper and scored. It was the 42 minute.

You have not changed anything in the beginning of the second half. Without fanfare of Atletico, with something more than presence offensive of Getafe, but without auction, the match lasted the inertia of the first half, but already with more risks for the rojiblanco set, because his rival already Yes was presented with more constancy in the vicinity of your area.Already the local defence didn’t feel so calm, Luis Garcia got soft drinks in his attack, with the entry of Paco Alcacer and Lafita, and Atletico took a step back, more sheltered, waiting for a kickback that definitively resolve the party, which will ensure three points more in pursuit of the leader, the Barcelona. Raul Garcia tried it from the edge of the area, also Falcao, wanting to dedicate a goal to 4,000 Colombians who today attended the stadium Vicente Calderon and failed to push the ball in a service by band of Arda Turan, against a Getafe with ten on the lawn by Rafa injury. She had already made three changes. There ended the duel, with the 2-0 for the first time, control and the victory of Atletico, for the seventh consecutive day in the second set and recovered from the two defeats in the last week with a placid triumph, without discussion by the Getafe, far from the level which had shown in their previous outputs.

Technical data sheet: 2 Atletico Madrid: Courtois; Juanfran, Miranda, Godin, Filipe Luis; Mario Suarez, Gabi; Adrian (Koke, m. 83), Raul Garcia (Cristian Rodriguez, m. 65), Arda Turan (Emre, m. 84); and Falcao. 0 Getafe: Moya; Valera (Mane, m. 46), Rafa, Alexis, Miguel Torres; Juan Rodriguez, Xavi Torres (Lafita, m. 60); Pedro Leon, barred, Diego Castro; and alvaro Vazquez (Paco Alcacer, m. 60). Goals: 1-0, m. 23: Adrian marks after a decline of Moya to a headbutt him. 2-0, m. 42: Arda Turan is a reject, haggle to Moya and mark. Referee: Stops Romero (C. Andaluz). Diego Castro (d. 38), chided local Gabi (d. 59) and Juan Rodriguez (d. 18) visitors, alvaro Vazquez (m. 42) and Miguel Torres (d. 58). Incidences: party corresponding to the eleventh day of the La Liga, played in the stadium Vicente Calderon before some 45,000 spectators, about four thousand of them Colombians. Before the start of the meeting saved a minute’s silence for the four victims of the tragedy of the Madrid Arena. View more: Adrian and Arda solve a placid match for Atletico against Getafe