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Bianca Capello

The splendor of the Court of Family while the Duchy of Vincenzo Gonzaga was expressed not only with his excellent patronage, special, the magnificent works outside the Royal residence, as the hunting residence in Bosco Fontana by Giuseppe Dattaro from Cremona and the churches of San Maurizio and Sant’Orsola, created by the architect from Cremona Antonio Maria Viani. The most impressive architectural works created Vincenzo, were the theatre with over 1000 seats, which he created for his artists, but was destroyed during the sack of Mantua in 1630, and the ambitious citadel in Casale Monferrato. What attracts the visitors is certainly interested in the psychological profile of the characters, which are celebrated: undoubtedly the temperament bubbling over and reputation as a Latin lover of the Duke are two essential ingredients of the combination that made his name big and known in all European courts of the time, in spite of the small dimensions of the Duchy of Mantua. Was the life of the Duke of characterized many episodes that were very sensitive for the time: from the first marriage with the thirteen Margherita Farnese, which was disbanded after two years because of the inability to realize the marriage due to a physical disability of the wife to the second marriage with the seventeen years Eleonora de’ Medici, who was also controversial: the mother-in-law of Bianca Capello had some doubts about the virility of the Duke, through many tests with doctors and other witnesses, and later of the 6 children by his wife had Vincenzo, and were informed by the information collected again disloyal, that led to the conception of just as many or more -, illegitimate children. To learn more about the life of the Duke, you can visit the exhibition in the Museum Diocesano Francesco Gonzaga, one of the most important Mantua attractions.