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INFINUS Managed Fund

INFINUS AG financial services institution: Fund management multi manager approach Dresden converted, may 2013: to March 1, 2013, the financial services Institute INFINUS AG has converted its fund management of the single on the multi manager approach. With the extension, INFINUS combines the experience of two asset managers which are specialized on different investment strategies and improved access to various investment strategies for investors. Enlargement of the multi-manager the INFINUS AG financial services institution has redistributed the responsibilities for its umbrella fund with clear responsibilities. The INFINUS relaxed Fund will, as well as the INFINUS balanced fund and the INFINUS dynamic Fund, managed since March by DJE capital AG. founded in 1974 by the asset manager and today’s CEO Dr. Jens Ehrhardt, the DJE capital AG now ranks among the largest bank-independent asset managers in German-speaking countries.

The INFINUS AG makes available to see more information. The INFINUS AG Financial performance Institute is very pleased to have won, the DJE Kapital AG for the care of the INFINUS Fund ( Because the asset management from Pullach is specialized in value-based and low-risk investment concepts for nearly four decades. You manage both private and institutional asset in the country and abroad and is one of the top addresses in the market. A.

M., a subsidiary of the Switzerland and an investment company in Luxembourg the DJE capital AG with offices in Cologne and Frankfurt is also internationally well positioned. INFINUS ecoConsort remains CATUS AG asset management sustainability fund INFINUS ecoConsort Fund performs the CATUS AG as yet the function of the investment manager. The INFINUS benefits under the supervision of CATUS AG continues from whose experience as a system specialist for environmental, ethical and social sustainability investment. The diversified portfolio of the INFINUS AG Financial Services Institute offers a very good risk / return profile investors together with the multi-management approach. Because the Combination of the best asset managers for the respective segment and the diversification of investment styles increase not only the likelihood of good returns, but reduce also the Volatilitatsrisiko, explains the INFINUS AG financial services institution. On the financial services Institute, the financial services Institute INFINUS AG INFINUS AG was founded in 2002 to its current headquarters in Dresden. On the date December 31st 2012 that supervised according to 32 KWG licensed companies nationwide more than 830 business partners. The exclusive product portfolio group among the INFINUS systems with fixed interest character and maturity between 30 days and 15 years. Five in-house asset management Fund (INFINUS relaxed Fund, INFINUS balanced fund, INFINUS dynamic Fund INFINUS ecoConsort Fund and INFINUS Terra premium Fund). Investors thus benefit categories of private banking from a thing-oriented all financial concept to the age – and risk management of real estate, commodities and green assets up to the most demanding. For Questions and additional information: INFINUS PR & Marketing GmbH Loschwitzer str. 38 01309 Dresden contact: Denise vala T: 0351-656-935-0 F: 0351-656-935-25