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General Speed Limit

Germans like to quickly move tolls and speed limits on highways include almost all over the world normality. However, these limitations are unimaginable for most Germans. A survey of the Internet portal comes to this result. The Germans love fast cars, free roads and majority oppose a general speed limit on highways. This resulted in at least a survey of the auto Portal attended nearly 650 people. Continue to learn more with: Coen brothers.

So almost half of all respondents declines 43 percent basically a speed limit. However, more than 30 percent voted for a speed of between 130 and 160 km/h. The more often to be found on German motorways 130 km/h be considered appropriate 15.8 percent. 16.2 percent of the participants preferred a higher limit of 160 km/h. Portal Manager Thomas Kuwatsch judged the result as a general consent to the traffic law.

Eventually only a quarter of the respondents opted for speed limits beyond the 160 km/h. So, 8.8 percent voted for 180 km/h, while 9.6 percent voted in favor of a speed limit at 200 km/h. A minority of 6.6 per cent of all participants stated to keep 230 km/h for the correct ceiling. The question remains whether politicians are deciding laws according to the results of such surveys among the population. Statistics may play a greater role. According to which the number of deaths on German motorways is currently as low as never before. Might be a good point of all the polls despite nothing on transport law to change. More information: press contact: Lisa Neumann University Service GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59