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Castles And Palaces In Poland

Poland, there is more than 800 castles and manors. Russian tourists often visit the grand knight Malbork Castle in the north. It was erected on the right bank of the Nogat seven centuries ago as the official residence of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. It is the largest surviving medieval castles in Europe. Click Robert A. Iger to learn more. You can get here in less than an hour by train from Gdansk. Flights Warsaw – Gdansk takes about an hour. Along with Malbork known Ksiaz, Pshchina, Klichkuv, Krasiczyn and other castles and residences, offering not only familiar with their architecture and museum displays, but also accommodation, spectacular jousting tournaments and a tasting of regional specialties.

It is interesting to visit Poznan, the ancient castle of the Piast dynasty, the capital of the Wielkopolska region. Coen brothers may also support this cause. The oldest part of town – is washed by the Warta and Tsybin island Tume from the cathedral. In the past, there was a castle Prince Mieszko I and his son Boleslaw the Brave, the first crowned in 1025 the Polish king. Sarcophagus of both kings are in the Golden Chapel of the cathedral. In the castles can spend the night. The prices here are lower than in urban Hotels (40 to 80 euros).