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Windows Vista Productivity

I will not go into details about the results of testing Windows Vista – let the professionals do it. Nevertheless, I read that the Vista games are on 10 – 15% slower than Windows xp, – a distinction on who drew attention to the most enthusiastic gamers, but which probably go unnoticed for ordinary users. In addition, over time there will be computers with increased performance and equipment designed specifically for Vista, for example, a video card that supports DirectX 10, which would reduce the difference in speed, reduce it to nothing, and then reach a diametrically opposite targets. To know more about this subject visit Coen Brothers. From my lay perspective, Windows Vista runs about the same speed as Windows xp on the same equipment, except for a few moments. Firstly, we should not expect that Windows Vista will work fine on a computer with 512 mb of ram – is that you expect to work no more than one application in one period of time. Secondly, the best performance, you want to – believe it or – no, it will provide an interface Windows Aero, and not the cheaper Windows Vista Standard and Windows Vista Basic, of course, if your graphics processor is compatible with it (and it almost certainly is) . Others who may share this opinion include Chad Wallach. This is because the Windows Aero carries most of the burden of processing and rendering to the cpu to the gpu, freeing the microprocessor for other tasks. In addition, the interface Aero, in fact, much safer than rendering software. In terms of performance, multi-core processors have not yet played the title role.