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Up-to-date Information On The Negotiations Of The WGF AG With The Real Estate Brokers

MbH, the results agree with real estate agents at the round table that collaboration is in the real estate industry are only rarely completely harmonious important at the end of the WGF AG together with the Walker & co. real estate company. Our last news post reported from the everyday business of a broker and from the heat of the moment”, his problems with different players in the industry. The concrete example illuminated the cooperation with the Dusseldorf real estate company WGF Westphalian land ownership and financial management AG. This matter have been fixed now, by mutual agreement. WGF founder Pino Sergio professional processes are a key business concern. Our conflicts are adjusted with the Walker & co. real estate GmbH.

Also this conflict has once again shown that problems in the brokerage business are the same across all business fields. The broker who sold or rented an apartment is facing such as brokers, which have to do with professional investors usually end up with the same situation: Once the broker presents his Bill the apartment tenants or buyers, the accepted cost of the broker is compared with the height of his account and generally found too high. Here is just some phone calls were made, an expose was sent, and a few appointments have taken place then briefly, move. The institutional and professional investor wants to minimize its cost structure of course also to promise a higher return on its capital and fund subscribers. As 3% more Commission claims of the broker of the purchase price of the real estate beat and then ever negative. Also here is always latent in the mind that the mediator but with a fraction of his demands could be satisfied as his effort has surely kept within limits when the purchasing managers. Maybe should be considered on the buyer side once, brokers should not be paid according to the number of calls, the creation of coloured paper and their presence on the ground, but after Content of the information that they sell. Brokering is nothing else than to sell information – and the right information have decided already wars, saved businesses and promoted the careers of politicians or terminated. We promise continue to the Geschaftsgepflogen of the real estate industry all do and life”to report. Cedric Jacobs