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The Purchase

3. Do not invest all your money in the creation of a new business always there is the risk that things do not go well, so it is recommended that never invest all your money in the creation of a business, always leave a portion of it where things are not as one expected. 4 Book a small budget at the time of investing in the creation of a business, always reserve a small capital in case of unforeseen. It is common when making projections of expenditure or investment, at the end the actual expenditure, i.e. what you really get to spend or invest, be greater than the expenses that we have budgeted or foreseen, there will always be hidden costs that escape us at the time of our projections. So you have a small budget of reserve will help us overcome these drawbacks. 5 Reduces your investment doing business not only is seeking greater sales or potential income, but also search for lower costs.

When you create your business, you should seek that your investment will be as short as possible, without this implying to invest in low-quality stuff, for example, if your business involves the purchase of a certain machinery, not you must hurry and buy first machinery that you find, you must take your time, thoroughly investigate the market and well compare products and prices. 6 Beware of societies if you decide to partner with someone for the creation of a business, it is advisable that you seek partners who have the same aspirations for growth as you, who are so motivated as you to create business. It also seeks partners who can contribute things, apart from the money, which you can not, as, for example, business contacts, experience or knowledge in a particular topic. And finally, before forming the society, trafficking to agree in advance what will be the measures that will be taken in the future, above all, where society or business does not get the expected results, for example, agree in advance how the profits will be distributed, what will be the functions of each, what would happen if one of the partners decides to withdrawWhat would happen if missing a greater investment. Partnering with someone for the creation of a business can be very beneficial, but can also prove to be a very difficult subject to handle if preventive measures are not taken.